Chapter 4 ~ Mission Complete

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Crystal's house is absolutely massive. A mansion carved from dark oak that sprawls across luxurious green lawns. Roses surround the house, in all shapes and colors. Fae run around, tending to the flowers, or carrying baskets filled with goodies inside.

"Welcome to Songbird Estate," Crystal says. She watches as Elida runs over to where a male fae stands, golden sword hanging at his side.

"That's my father, Tarragon," Crystal watches as the male picks Elida up, careful of her delicate wings, and swings her around. Through the side of my eye, I spot a hint of jealousy in her face. Her arms are crossed, the basket of flowers abandoned on the ground.

Tarragon sees us and starts making his way towards his daughter. The sword at his side swings slightly with each step. As he approaches, Crystal crosses and uncrosses her arms, and kicks her foot into the ground. I notice the faerie's impressive height as he gets closer, the male is built like a tower.

"Hello daughter," Tarragon wraps an arm around her, and she seems to shy away from his touch. "Who have you brought to our lovely estate?" Upon the hilt of his sword is the High Lord's crest and three lines, showing he is a high ranking member of the High Lords circle.

"A friend." Crystal answers. She steps back and picks the basket of flowers up. Some of them fall to the ground as the basket rises, but she ignores those.

Tarragon turns to face me, the same piercing blue eyes as Elida and Crystal look me up and down. "I haven't seen you around before, what is your name?"

"I'm Amethyst. I traveled here with the High Lord's party," I offer a slight bow, glad I decided to forgo the rhinestones while in Spring.

"Nice to meet you," Tarragon sticks a hand out, his grip is firm and his hand warm. As his eyes scan me yet again, I can't help but feel he can see right through me.

"We better go sort out these flowers, see you at dinner," Crystal takes my hand and pulls me away from her father and his eyes that can read me like a book.

We walk up to the house, Crystal never letting go of my hand. I admit, it feels nice to have a friend, even if they may hate me when they find out the truth. After quite a few twists, turns and hallways, we reach Crystal's room.

The sun shines into Crystal's room through the open windows, warming the place to the point of it almost being unbearable. A few light-catchers hang from the ceiling, sending rainbows flying around the room.

Crystal is sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of me, arranging the flowers in what appears to be a diamond vase. Her father must hold a very high position to afford such extravagances. I pick up a flower from the pile and start twirling it between my fingers.

"I don't mean to be rude, but what makes you a part of the Façonneur Magique?" I ask, curious to find out about the faerie so special, the Heir could be betrothed to her.

"It's easier to show you than explain it," Crystal takes the Hibiscus flower from me and touches her finger to it. Slowly, from the point of contact, the flower turns to diamond. The delicateness of the flower is not lost in the change. Each petal is still completely intact, while the stem reminds me of a champagne flute.

Crystal puts the flower down gently, and it settles on the floor with a clink. It rolls slightly as she sets it down.

"This is what makes me so valuable to my father. I'm sure he would've sent me away long ago if it weren't for these," Crystal gestures around the room, and I realize she must've made all the light-catchers and the diamond vase.


I assure Crystal I can find my way to the royal house easy enough and leave early enough to prepare for dinner.

The light is fading as I hurry up the hill towards the house. Slowly, lights turn on inside the house. Fae silhouettes come and go from behind these pockets of light. I stop for a moment before entering, turning around to watch as the Spring Court lights up for the night. The lights go on at the market first, turning on from the center outwards.

I start to walk around the house, following the perimeter. Gardens and flowers line the walls, creating a beautiful smell. Butterflies are choosing their flowers to sleep in, and bees are lazily buzzing back to their hive. The sunset makes the scene even more stunning.

The sky is painted with purples and pinks, clouds and trees silhouetted against it. A crescent moon is beginning to show, its silver glow only enhancing the scene. I pause, just for a moment, to take it all in. Then, I continue to my room, eager to clean off the day's stress and worry.

I use the back entrance to enter and go straight to my room. I walk past a few servers, none the handsome green-eyed fae. After I undress, bathe and then fall onto my bed, I close my eyes and allow the thoughts that I have restricted all day to fill my head.

Green eyes, a tan hand in mine. Falling asleep with their arms around me. Watching as they sing and dance. The thoughts race through my head, and for just a few moments, I allow myself to believe in this fantasy.

A knock on my door startles me from my trance.

"Come in," I call, not too bothered to get up. I'm assuming it's Lapis coming to get his report from me.

Instead of the golden Heir and his baby blue eyes, I see dark green peeking out from a fringe of orange. The fae walks over to the side of the bed.

"I've brought your dinner. The Heir said you were taking it here tonight," they place a tray on the table next to me.

"Thank you," I offer them a warm smile and they smile back. I notice the way the skin around their eyes crinkle, and the way their eyes brighten.

"My name's Aventurine, by the way, it was nice to meet you." They leave, and before my brain can even register that I never told them my name, the steaming noodles grab my attention.

I toss and turn, struggling to sleep. Sleep has never come easy to me, but tonight it's even more of a battle. Green eyes haunt my dreams, not in a bad way. I imagine them looking at me, so filled with love and joy, then them looking at me with such disappointment. I make a mental note to try to avoid Aventurine as much as possible.

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