She never really saw anyone from her school riding the train she rode, and she was grateful for that. She didn't really need anyone she knew in her face bright and early in the morning, the small ride to school is the peace she needs before dealing with a bunch of loud people.

Walking into the station, she swipes her train pass allowing her inside, the train pulled up immediately when she did where she found herself boarding and finding an open seat. She took this time to eat the banana she grabbed, well so she thought. Someone had accidentally bumped her causing her to drop the banana. Disappointed she looked up at the person who caused it, only to see them continue to walk and stand on the train.

"You could atleast say excuse me jerk." She murmured looking back up at the person. Their back still turned to her as she sighed bending down to pick up her soiled breakfast. Now she would have to wait to until lunch to actually eat something.. Just great.

Getting off the train, she was quick to start walking, not noticing the person who knocked her banana out of her hand, had also gotten off at this stop. Sakura didn't even notice he wore the same uniform as herself.

She didn't really care anymore, she had forgotten just that quick about the banana and simply slipped her earbuds into her ear, playing a song before making it to the school building.

When she made it to school, students from all different classes and years all stood outside socializing and meeting up together after their long summer. Some were talking about the trips they took, others talked about the new food they tried, and it went on endlessly. Unfortunately Sakura didn't have the luxury of spending summer with her friends. Her bestfriend Ino went out of the country to the states, her other friend Temari went to visit her father in Kyoto with her brothers, and Hinata, she went to London with her Father, sister, and cousin for sightseeing and touring.

Sakura stayed home all summer, locked in her room, she didn't have what her friends had. Although she values her relationship with Shizune and her Aunt. Things simply weren't the same. Her friends all had their full happy families. She didn't have that, she would never have that again.

"Hey Forhead! Over here!!" She looked up to see Ino yelling and waving, with a bright smile on her face. It was rare to see her bestfriend with her hair down, she only wore it down every year on the first day of school or on special occasions like festivals and school events.

"Long time no see Sakura." Temari said as Sakura smiled. "It's nice to see you guys again too." Sakura spoke.

"Of course! We missed you this summer! Sorry we weren't able to stay in town, it seems all of our families decided we'd travel." Ino said.

"No need to apologize, you can't control what your parents plan. I hope you all enjoyed yourself." Sakura said as she gave a semi forced smile.

"No it's just that I feel somewhat guilty, you had to stay home for the summer while we all went out. It feels wrong knowing you probably were bored or couldn't enjoy your break." Ino stated.

"It's okay Ino, I promise it wasn't as bad as you think it was please drop it." Sakura said sheepishly trying to quickly dismiss the subject. She just wanted to find her classroom and get settled in.

"Well if you insist." Ino said pulling out a small bag. "Here we each brought you back a souvenir! Open them when you get the chance!" Ino said with a smile as Sakura watched them all hold out their small bags.

"You guys shouldn't have!" Sakura stated, her cheeks flushing red a bit as she took the gifts from her friends. It made her happy that they thought about her while they were away, but it also made her a bit sad that they had to do things like this or that she wasn't able to return their kind favors.

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