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The moment Ayaka held his hand firmly and made her emotional declaration on his behalf, the former Geo Archon lost all sense of propriety and control. He had drawn close enough that she could see the fiery amber of his eyes and the highlights of his refined cheekbones. His gaze traveled over her—from her beautiful hair to her elegantly clad feet. Those marigold eyes were wandering again, over her armored chest and hips, then rising to linger on her mouth. He closed the space between them. His voice dropped, low and seductive.

"I would love to steal a kiss now, Ayaka," Zhongli murmured, as his lips brushed over hers sensually.

You will never know how, when you whisper my name—like the wave of a butterfly's wings—it creates a tsunami in my chest.

He was eager, but not demanding, welcoming her timid kisses as much as he offered his experienced and exotic ones. The gentle press of his mouth grew firmer, hungrier, and he dragged her gorgeous body tightly against his. Hot. Hard. Ravenous. His tongue teased her lips apart further. He plunged into her mouth, exploring and coaxing, urging her to follow.

This. This was how a kiss was meant to be. A wild, greedy indulgence that made her forget the world and long for more—more of him, more of them—anything and everything he would give her.

The White Heron Princess's tiny hand loosened unconsciously on Zhongli's in utter shock as he stepped close intimately. His arresting golden eyes made her skin tingle under her armor which felt nonexistent beneath his scorching gaze. The mere scent of his familiar cologne was enough to drive her mad, and his husky voice pulled the ground from below her feet as she fell...completely into him. Clutching his dress shirt, she could only whisper his name as their lips finally met in a waltz of passion.

At first, she was shy and unsure. He was her first everything, and she was so nervous she nearly froze. However, his sweet and patient coaxing gave her reassurance. Her eyelashes trembled and fluttered closed as he tugged her flush against his powerful body, and she felt his desire deep and strong. He tasted like the sun. His kiss filled her with a light that dissipated every shadow of her insecurities. Ayaka pushed her tongue gingerly against his. She threaded her fingers through his bangs that she loved shyly. Their breaths were one just like their hearts that cannot ever be parted. She knew that this moment would stay with her forever.

A voice in the back of Zhongli's mind told him he ought to stop when his fingers began to unfasten her armored breastplate. It grew louder when he tugged down the loose cashmere top she wore underneath, exposing her beautiful youthful breasts. Something about impropriety and scandals. His hands felt so good on her, though. So right. He kept on kissing her wildly, touching her and teasing her as he pleased. When he bent his head to her cleavage and suckled one stiff puckered nipple while pulling it forward gently, there was a breathless groan of pleasure as she threaded her fingers through his gold-tipped locks. This was thoroughly wicked, and yet he couldn't stop.

"You are delectable, my darling," he continued hoarsely.

All of Ayaka's senses were heightened as her breathing grew increasingly erratic. What's left of her rational mind shrieked at her to stop, but she no longer had any control over her hands as they grappled Zhongli's dress shirt and slipped just slightly underneath the edge, brushing his muscles. Her cheeks bloomed the shade of cherry blossoms as he unraveled her garments. Her hand moved instinctively to cover her nudity, but she faltered as his lips whispered sensual poetry against her sensitive skin. A fiery desire that was foreign to her darted through her core. He was showing her a whole new world.

His hands had come up under her skirts, running over her bare thighs and squeezing her bottom through the thin fabric aggressively. He lifted his head to gaze into her desirous cerulean eyes. His own had turned to liquid gold like the sun.

"Zh-Zhongli, please...–" A dainty moan cut her off mid-sentence. She didn't know anymore whether she was begging him to stop out of embarrassment or to never stop, to give her more of him.

She was a pure canvas, and he was the artist embellishing her body with Teyvat's most beautiful colors. Their lips melted against each other like they were made to meet. The princess was intoxicated on the archon's elixir and she had no regrets. He pulled her hard against him, drugging her once more with kisses. The sensation of his rock-hard arousal against her belly made her spring back with a yelp of surprise which finally brought him back to reality to see the shocked citizens that had gathered around them.

"Too much? Too fast?" he mumbled against her quivering lips, and though disappointment shone in his amber eyes from lack of fulfillment, he would not make her first time become a spectacle because of his frenzied animalistic desires. "My apologies. You drove most of what sense I possess out of my head, Ayaka, and I almost lost complete control."

The princess' face couldn't be more red. A part of her wanted to flee from her unfathomable actions, but the other half was rejuvenated. Zhongli pulled her top back up to cover her from the disapproving onlookers. The archon raised his voice with authority above the hushed whispers. "Rise!" Instantaneously, several illuminating pillars elevated from the ground shielding and giving them the privacy needed. "Perhaps another time? I hope that we both can contain this inferno until you are ready and we have suitable accommodations."

Vastly relieved by the golden glowing shield that he had erected around them, she blundered over her words as she awkwardly smoothed down her bangs: "I'm sorry... Yes, let's– I mean, that's a better idea. Can you take us home now? I would rather not...confront the public right now."

His arms were already around her, whisking her away.

like the wind that flows through your hairΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα