Meanwhile Ez Reyes, the new Presidente of the mayans, had eyes on the older woman , and damn was she fine.

"Man , la chica blanca is fine as hell." Gilly said .

A slap was heard all around the clubhouse as the former President held his cheek.

"Do I look like her fucking Mother?!" The woman yelled,
and damn she was fine as hell angry.

"You fucking white- " Bishop was cutoff as he was once again slapped.

"Finish that damn sentence I dare you!" Jackie yelled.

"Enough!" Ez exclaimed.

"I drove this damn kid three fucking hours to meet you,the least you can do is hear her out." Jackie said glaring down at the man.

"My mom was a bitch,to put it lightly,she decided to stick a damn needle in her arm,I found her,she had the fucking balls to write a note saying she loved me, and your name,where I could find you." Illiana explained.

"And you think I would give a damn?" Bishop questioned.

"You know what?Fuck you this was a mistake!" The teen yelled ran out of the club house.

"You stupid piece of shit! Illiana wait!" Jackie yelled.

"Sorry for the trouble." Jackie said passing Ez.


In the car Illiana was sobbing as Jackie opened the door.

"He didn't want anything to do with me,he looked at me like all my foster parent's did whats so bad about me!?" The girl sobbed as Jackie wrapped her arms around her.

"Nothings bad about you , Men ain't shit,Foster care, I've been there,not the best memories." Jackie explained.

"I don't have anywhere to stay,and Im not going back to that place,please dont take me back." Illiana murmered.

"Illiana I drove us three hours,I drove you a stanger,to meet a piece of shit,and your foster parents, by the way you barely have anything packed,are pieces of shit,my landlord evicted me and my boss fired me." Jackie explaind.

"Are nothing but pieces of shit,no way in hell are we going back to that town,therefore I say we make a new life here." She finished.

"Yeah,and your right,men are pieces of shit,I don't need him,I never did,I just wanted to know if I just showed up, Someone would care." Illiana said sniffling.

"You have me now, I mean you carjacked me and sorta kidnapped me,but you have have me now." Jackie winked.

"Wait,hold up your a minor Im not gonna get arrested for kidnapping you,am I?" Jackie said squeaking.

"No?" Illiana said thinking.

"Thats not helping." Jackie murmered as a knock on the window scared her.

"Shit man!" She said as The asshole she slapped stood with the other men.

"Jackie?" Illiana said as the older woman got out of the car.

"Stay in the car." Jackie said looking at the men warily.

She did slap one of their members,club her ass,its most likely a gang doing things under the cops noses.

"What?" She questioned.

"You slapped my Vp." A hot man,most likely the president stepped forward.

"Yes I did,now if you excuse me." She said opening the car

"I wasn't done talking." The man continued.

"I am." She said getting in the car, driving away,not without sticking out her hand and flicking the bird.

"Damn She's crazy." Angel said.

"ella no sabe con quién está tratando, pero pronto lo sabrá." Ez said.

(she doesn't know who she's dealing with , but she will soon.)

"She's mine, no one else touches her." Ez continued.

"Damn , she was hot too." Gilly said.

"¿Y qué hay del niña? ¿Al menos vas a intentar ser su padre?" Angel said to Bishop.

(and what about the kid , you gonna at least try to be her father? )

"Mierda!" Bisop exclaimed kicking a barrel.


What do you think so far lmao , remember this is sorta an au , also I hope im getting the characters personalities right , plus Dark! Ez because man he became dark , can't wait for s5 of Mayans m.c .



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Crazy but she's mine || Ezekiel "Ez" ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now