vill v x reader part 2

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Author's note!!

Before beginning one of the two last chapters in this book I just wanted to say thank you all for reading, I enjoyed writing this book so much, so let's begin part one of last chapters

So after vill v and y/n met, worked on stuff machinery, they have sold it off at some small tech shop down the street

On the way there vill v and y/n talked about robotic stuff, their interests and one another's past

While y/n was listening to vill v y/n noticed vill v mentioning something called "the flame chasers", saying that some time ago one of their flame chasers has passed away of unknown costs

Y/n felt bad and mumbled

"I feel so bad for you, I hope they were a good person"

Vill v nodded

"She was, elsyia was amazing"

While vill v finished the sentence the two entered the tech shop

They sold off the machinery for a good price of 200$ each machine

After that the two left the tech shop and continued to talked about the flame chasers

And suddenly this slipped out y/n's mouth

"Can I join the flame chasers-"

Y/n covered their mouth before they have finished that sentence

Vill v giggled

"Like sure, I don't see what not, anything else you wanna say?"

Y/n sighed

"Well i'm the herrscher of courage, haha"

Y/n seemed nervous

Vill v looked at y/n a little surprised

"That's impressive"

Y/n smiled


A few afterwards vill v took y/n to see the flame chasers

They were friendly sorta

Kevin seemed a little scary, but it can be dealt with

And the others, they're okay

Y/n gone on many missions with the flamechasers

They got to know them, have nice chats, everything!

Untill... one mission in particular..

June 26th, 2018

I'm going to my first ever very serious mission, every says 'you'll die y/n!' And 'you wont survive', I doubt that tho! Of course I'll live, I lived through so many missions already! LOL, talk to you later my sweet and kind diary!!!

That was the last page in y/n's diary.  Before thr awful truth that we call reality

It was y/n's first  every big mission, they were sent with Kevin to hunt got some bendits

It took a bit to find the bandits, but their leader was strong by the seemes, so Kevin and y/n decided to go for the bendits first

After Kevin and y/n have finished off the bendits the so called leader claped his hands

"Good job you two!"

The so called leader laughed

"But this is your finale, with that you may called me 'rakaze kiyoshiro' "

Rakaze smirked

"We gonna take you down!"

Y/n shouted

Y/n and rakaze kiyoshiro fought for a while, but Kevin didn't join

But y/n was to focused on ghe fight that they didn't realise that Kevin was planning something

Mid fight y/n was sadly stabbed.. by Kevin

"You... traitor.. kevin"

Y/n cried while they were bleeding to death by the stab, y/n didn't expect being betrayed by someone they got to know

And Kevin finished off rakaze

"I hope.. you'll regret.. this"

That was y/n's last words, Kevin said to the flame chasers, everyone was upset at Kevin, but he's only excuse was "that herrscher of courage piece of crap can't replace elsyia"

But that's a shitty excuse to kill someone that good

But it already happened once, so they had to move up, but nobody sent Kevin on missions no more, or teamed up with him

So this is the end of the chapter, I'll do the final chapter of the book in a about 10 - 15 minutes, you'll see, so see ya'll later...

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