milf broyna x M! reader x milf raiden part 2

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After the events  of the first part.. y/n started to trust his manager alot better

Cause before y/n thought his manager was just a strict type of person

But after that y/n's preview of his manager changed, like I just told you

In the mean time

Mei and broyna have been visiting the tech shop alot

And i mean A LOT

Like twice a week MAAX

While mei and broyna have been visiting the tech shop alot

They got along well with y/n

Cause mainly mei asked for alot of help from y/n

And y/n was joyful to help

Untill mei, broyna and y/n sorta considered eachother family

It was wholesome I'm telling ya!

They would hang out after y/n's shifts alot

Movie nights, concerts, museums, parties, everything!

Even broyna wasent very interested in the parties it concerts, she could have fun in the museums, movie nights and other stuff

Like I said, it's wholesome

Really wholesome

After a year of knowing eachother, mei and broyna decided to apply to tech shop y/n is working at, that well the girls could hang out more with y/n and help him!

And to their luck mei and broyna got accepted to the job!

Mei, broyna, and y/n's friendship is amazing

I wish I had that type of friendship ngl

So this is the end of the chapter, sorry it was short, I am abut out of ideas, maybe I could make a third part making them a polyamory relationship, or continue the platonic stuff, or even better, they could be platonic soulmates!! Who knows? Lol, either way, I hope ya'll are doing well, and random storyz last night I went to bed at like 11 pm, I couldn't sleep, it was annoying a lil, but at last I managed to fall asleep at the end, and all of today I was  very tired, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and see ya'll next time!

honkai x reader One Shots [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz