yae sakura x reader part 2

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After we left off last time y/n had seen yae sakura alot, our dear and confused y/n dosent know how to chat with her tho!! [Ik I sound dumb] let's see what she does

One sunny day in a park

"Hm... what movie should i watch? Howl's moving castle or a whisker away?"

Y/n would hear something behind them

Y/n would turn around and see yae sakura

"Oh hey!"

Yae sakura would look at y/n


Y/n would give yae sakura a gentle smile

"It's nice to meet you I'm y/n"

Yae would come closer to y/n

"I'm yae sakura, nice to meet you as well     y/n"

Y/n would get up and raise her hand a little to shake yae sakura's hand

Yae sakura would shake y/n's hands

"So this means we're friends now?"

Y/n would look nervous


Yae would smile

So for 8 months yae sakura and y/n would hang out together

"Hey y/n, by a chance you know someone named raiden mei?"

Y/n would look at yae sakura

"Ohh! She's kiana's best friend right? I actually do know kiana a little so she told me that once"

Y/n would go one what kiana has told them about many things

"Y/n you going a little to far"

Y/n would look surprised abit

"Oh yeah that happen's to me often"

Yae sakura would nod

"You told me that already, its fine tho"

Y/n would also nod

Basically when yae sakura and y/n would be friends for 4 years this happened

"Hey y/n may I ask you something?"

Yae would blush a little

Y/n would look at yae

"Of course yae"

Yae would sigh

"Basically will you be my romantic partner?"

[I hc yae sakura as asexual btw]

Y/n would look abit shocked

"I'll think about it abit.. okay?"

Yae sakura would nod

A few days later yae and y/n would meet up

"Hey yae... about what you asked me yesterday.. I have a answer"

Yae would look happy and surprised at the same time

"I'm all ears y/n"

Y/n would sigh

"I will be you're romantic partner"

Yae sakura would look happy and she would hug y/n

"Thank you so much y/n"

Y/n would hug yae sakura back

"No problem yae.. anytime"

And after this yae and y/n would go on mini dates like to the movies, restaurants, the park and the forest, hope you enjoyed this story, see you all my wattpad enjoyers!!

honkai x reader One Shots [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें