raiden mei x reader

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I didn't get a request for this, i just head a little idea for this, so yeah!

Reader's P.O.V

So I'm just a normal person, my name is y/n and I have a pretty average life, both of my parents are alive, I have siblings and I'm not bullied! I'm actually quite popular in my class because if my charm, i could charm someone by talking to them for a while. Which is awesome on its own!! But off topic.. there's this one girl in my class named raiden, she's quite weird honestly..she doesn't speak but when she does she's really soft about it, its almost like she just asks to be used by manipulative assholes..she should learn how to toughen up and be more rude to people when they need it...geez

Mei's dairy

April 15th, 2017, Wednesday

Dear dairy, today was the usual, hanging out with kiana, talking with the teacher, very usual... you know? There wasn't anything new except I started noticing y/n more. They have a unique, charming way of making people stare at them or notice how cool they are.. I don't know how to explain it... they are just really unique in their own kind of way, and when i give them even the smallest glance, I get this giddy feeling that doesn't go away for a while..I just really need to explore my emotions this current period. I am trying to be subtle about the glances, but I think y/n has noticed me giving them small glances every now and then..more like every day..thats so stalker core behaviour now that I think about it...fuck this shit I don't wanna be this way anymore but it's so difficult with a person like y/n, they're just so fucking popular like the heaters and I wish I was like them for at least one day!!!

Time skip to Friday, 17th of April, 2017

Outside of class

Y/n is heading  towards class with the needed books in their hands, they don't notice anything until they catch riden giving them a small glance..again, this was happening since the start of the school year so approximately seven to eight months
"Ugh, not this idiot again. This is entirely bullshit by now. " y/n thought as they rolled their eyes. they approached  raiden with an unpleasant expression on their face

"Hey girl, we need to talk."

Y/n made the first move as they held their books close to their chest, raiden instantly notice their unpleasantness by their behaviour, and she instantly stuttering and muttering things out of pure fear and anxiousness

Raiden: "O..o..of course y/n w..w..hat is it?"

Y/n was pretty annoyed with the stuttering on its own. It was almost like raiden had some sort of speech problem and had a specialist every weekend and holiday to improve her speech problems when she was a child and now uses support groups to help her out with her speech and raiden was just standing infront of them just acting like a child with her stutter

Y/n: " i have been noticing your glances since the start of the year!"

Y/n growled as she confronted the issue that risen up between the two, y/n couldn't stand the small glances this past seven or eight months straight and it was almost like raiden was staring at y/n in a mean way and it seemd little miss popular y/n l/n took it in a real mean way by the way they confronted the issue

Raiden: "w..w..what?"

Raiden continued to stutter like a shy whiney girl on the elementary school playground. Her voice was pretty high-pitched and soft, which suited how she looked as a person overall

Y/n: "I'm not that fucking stupid, is there anything you wanna say weirdo? Is there a problem? This is entirely bullshit that we presumably have a problem or something like that, and we don't even talk about it to figure out what's wrong, so come on! Spit it out!"

Y/n raised their voice as they stepped closer and gave riden almost no personal space to raiden, raiden was getting a little flustered when she was looking at y/n from this angle, y/n was a little shorter than raiden and this made raiden to look down a little when y/n came closer

Raiden: "I.. I.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you with my glances.. I swear I wasn't trying to seem mean, but the opposite, I think you're really awesome.."

Raiden managed to get out as she seemed anxious and flustered at the same time because this tiny gremlin..y/n was being a whole lot currently because of their stubbornness and willingness to debate

Y/n: "Oh really..?"

Y/n asked as raiden nodded, y/n took a step back from raiden, and they lowered they head in a form of shame. Y/n's eyebrows lowered as they avoided her eyes

Y/n: "I apologise..forget I ever said anything, but those glances can be a little stressing sometimes..alright?"

Raiden nodded a second time with a tiny "mhm!" And right afterwards, y/n sprinted to class because they were already late by a few minutes, and this would be embarrassing for y/n to be late by a whole lot. Raiden watched as y/n sprinted to class and was left in a sort of shock, y/n actually talked to her. Raiden squeaked as she went to her class with the brightest smile on her face.

When raiden was in class, she sat next to kiana like every day. kiana looked at raiden for a hot moment before she asked her something

Kiana: "Who brought that frown upside-down, huh?"

Raiden giggled as her cheeks flushed a light pink pigment. Afterwards, raiden answered kiana's question

Raiden: "it was y/n. They finally talked to me, even tho the conversation didn't go very well, but at least I got to hear their voice talk to me! To me, do you understand!?! I am so hap-"

Raiden didn't get to finish the whole sentence because she was cut off by the teacher. Raiden sighed, and she stared at the board at the front of the class while the teacher was teaching the class about defence against the honkai, raiden couldn't stop thinking about them, how they spoke to her, it was miraculous.

The same day at home, raiden was at her bed giggling and kicking her feet as she wrote in her dairy

April 17th, 2017

Dear dairy, I finally spoke to y/n today. Y/n was kinda mean to me, but it was for long until I saw them soften their gaze at me a little. It was so sweet for a moment when a sparkle ignited in their irises, and we stared at each other for a moment until y/n practically sprinted to class. I would like to get to know y/n better and possibly be a part of their social social. It would be so cool to be a part of someone's social circle and be somewhat out there and not be inside my little bubble all the time. Maybe people would think more of me if I joined y/n's circle.. I really hope that will happen, i really want people to see me as cool and intriguing and not like an outcast from my peers. That will be such an opportunity. If I do end up in y/n's social circle, I would just need to learn how to balance my own circle of friends, which are kiana and bronya, and I would be set!! That would be so cool!!!

Thanks for reading, guys. Just to let you know, this is an edit of this chapter because I think I have improved in my writing. But I still appreciate the time of day you spend reading this fanfic, thank you

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