natasha x reader part 2

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It's been a while since natasha has started gaining feelings for y/n

Natasha was trying to drop some hints, but she didn't know how

She tried with poems

Hanging out more with  y/n

Asking questions

Every single thing

This is one of her dairy pages

May 13th.

Dear diary, I must know how to make someone like me romantically... I don't know how.. stupid I know, but I mainly write here, I might just ask raiden mei about this topic, or someone else i know, ughhhh!! I could ask like everyone, I really hope y/n will notice one of my hints someday.. y/n is so pretty, with their Hazel eyes, medium length hair, I just can't with their beauty, plus here is some ideas I could use on y/n to somewhat know i like them: somehow flirt, watch a movie and later tell them.. wait I could just tell y/n I like them, how did I not think of that?? I'm a genius!! A total genius.. but is it worth it to tell y/n they seem so out if league.. well I'm near y/ns league, I got a decent personality, i look decent on the daily.. its worth it telling y/n!! But I think it's wort it asking raiden, thank you for listening

After writing that entry, nastasha would think for a while about what she wrote

So she gone to raiden mei

She knocked on the door

Raiden mei opened the door

"Oh natasha, whats up?"

Raiden smiled upon seeing natasha

"Um... I need help, real help"

Natasha would blush

"Come on in natasha"

Raiden signs to natasha to get inside the house

"Well raiden, how to I confess to someone I like them?"

Natasha would go back and forth in a thinking position

"Well.. you can pour out you're entire heart on how much you like them, orr.. you could write a letter"

Raiden puts her hand on natashas shoulder

"Raiden you're a genius!!"

Natasha would look excited

"I know"

Raiden nods while chuckling

"Thank you raiden"

Natasha hugs raiden tightly

Raiden hugs natasha back

"No problem natasha"

Natasha exists raidens House and goes to hers

And writes this latter

Dear y/n

I wanted to confess to you something important.. I have feelings for you.. I had them for a while and I thought alot about it.. I even asked someone about it.. and I Decided to tell you this, well in a letter cause I don't have the confidence to tell you otherwise, I hope you understand

Also sign here if you will be my partner or not

□ yes           □ no

Natasha would put the letter in a envelope.

When y/n and natahsa met natasha gave the envelope to y/n

"What's in the letter?"

Y/n tilted their head, confused

"I-its for you"

Natasha blushed

Y/n would open up the envelope, blushing

"Natahsa give me a pen"

Y/n would open up one of their hands to grab the pen

Natasha would give y/n a pen

"Thank you natasha"

Y/n would sign something in the letter and give it back to natasha

Natahsa looked happy when y/n putted in yes as the answer

Natasha kissed y/n

And y/n kissed natasha back

So this Is the end of the chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, stay tuned for the next chapter, and I hope you're excited for the raiden mei x reader remake!!!! See you all there!!

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