Chapter 14 - A girl

Start from the beginning

I couldn't speak, all I could do was bask in his presence, I couldn't even start to process what he had said, all I wanted for him to do was... I don't even know, I am so conflicted.

I could never romantically want him, he's hot and all but he's a snob. I could never fall for a snob... right?

He took a step forward and I closed my eyes, I opened my eyes at the sudden light of the hall invaded the small dark room, he had opened the door just as the bell rang.

"See you tonight?"

"Yeah" was all I could mutter out



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After school all I could think of was Ryle and what he had said to me;

What did it mean? And why would he wanna be friends with me after I constantly try to shut him out?

I didn't let that bother me for too long, I had to do some grocery shopping, Noah had lent me money and yesterday I babysat the twins, with that and some coupons we had food for the month.

Of course when I say we, I mean Elijah, Sophie and me. My mom was not gonna eat or use any of the things I had bought, she didn't deserve it.


Ryle and his team won, I don't really understand how the scoring system works but I do know that they beat their asses. This old Grandpa next to me kept talking to me about the game as if I was his best buddy, he made my whole day

Everyone left the auditorium to meet with the players outside, as soon as Ryle saw me he came over to hug me, at first I was a bit weirded out but soon relaxed into the hug. We heard a grunt that made us break out of the hug.

"You coming with to celebrate?" Oliver asked. "Sorry, got plans boys. Y'all did a wonderful job though."

"C'mon cap! You're gonna ditch us for a girl?"Avery chuckled, he thought he was hilarious  but everyone stared at him in pure horror. I stared at him in disbielief.

"Say that again?" Ryle walked towards him, Avery's hands started to fumble and he, too, had that same look of pure horror.

I then realized that I knew a side of Ryle most people didn't know, most were scared of him but I knew... a glimpse of his real self.

"That's what I thought. All talk." Ryle scoffed.

"Let's go guys, this dope bar opened just around the corner"

Soon enough, it was just me, Ryle, and a bunch of NPCs. "Why did you want me to be free after the game?" I asked. We started walking towards his car

"I have something planned out" 

"I'm starting to freak out, wanna elaborate?" I chuckled 

"do you trust me?" Ryle opened the passenger door of his car. "Sorta"

I shrugged and got in. What did I have to loose?

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