Seems exploitable, but okay then.

Naruto made a hand seal.


Hundreds of Naruto poured forth with drawn swords.

Nadare wove seals.

Tiger- Monkey- Boar- Dog.

A giant frozen tiger erupted from the glacier and slammed through the ranks of the clones.

Naruto hurled a wind blade at it and turned to see how his teammates were doing.

Mizore had pulled out a bladed snowboard and was swinging a ball and chain wildly at Hinata and Sakura.

Fubuki was under (literal) anti-air fire from both Uchiha.

Naruto contemplated hurling a wave of earth at her when Nadare's voice rang out.

"Eyes on me, boy!"

Naruto blocked a slash from Nadare and struck back with his fist. He kicked Nadare up, and then kicked him across the clearing. cass

Nadare recoiled and snarled. "We're done here!"

Ram- Bird- Monkey- Horse- Snake- Dog.

A giant narwhal erupted from the ice and split the island they stood on in two.

"Are you all okay?"

Sasuke grimaced. "Mostly. Just surprised."

"Hey, doesn't this remind you of anything? A mission with no explicit cause for combat, fighting opponents vastly above chunin level..." Sakura said.

"Sakura, we did the Wave mission less than three months ago. It's too early to reminisce about it!" Sayuri interjected.

"Let's just head back to the ship, shall we?" Hinata suggested. They leapt from the ground to the waiting ship.

"Thank you for saving Koyuki," Sandayu said.

"It's our mission. But can somebody please explain what is going on here?" Sakura asked.

"Alright. Very long story short, me and Koyuki are from the land of Snow. Koyuki's father created a generator to make the land of Snow experience spring, and his brother, Doto, thought it was a weapon to bring supremacy to Snow, so he staged a coup, killed Sosetsu. Job finished, done deal. But the generator needs a key. Do you remember the pendant that Koyuki always wears? That's the key, and that's why Doto is hounding her so fiercely."

"That's all well and good, but what happens now? How shall we proceed?"

"Ideally, we kill Doto and install Koyuki as the new Daimyo. You may use whatever means you deem necessary to accomplish this." They nodded, and Sandayu left the room.

"Hinata, what's the range of your byakugan?"

"A kilometre, give or take, if I'm using it for general 'see everywhere'. I can focus it to two or three."

Hm. I was expecting more from the heiress, but I suppose a kilometre of range is somewhat passable, and above average, if only in this period of semi-peace, Madara noted.

"Alright. I can work with that."

"Why are we going to him just to assassinate him? He'll be sending his best hunters, as in, those guys we just fought. They aren't that tough, and we'll be able to force a surrender on his part once they're all down! Let's just wait!" Sakura lounged on a couch.

"The faster we kill Doto, the faster we get home."

"I have something that I need to discuss with Koyuki," Naruto said. He turned to the door. "I'll be back in about twenty minutes."

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