Page 12

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His glare was unwavering. The pale-skinned mage watched Mimosa manage to open her grimoire, encasing herself within a spherical basket filled with countless flower petals.

Mimosa: Apologies. I'm the healer and I have gone down first.

Klaus: Don't worry, focus on healing for now!

Klaus adjusted his glasses once more, glaring at the emblem on the dark fur cloak the mage wore.

Klaus: That crest ... is of the Diamond Kingdom! Are they planning to invade?!

Klaus suddenly lifted his arm and pointed towards the mage.

Klaus: You fiend! What purpose did you serve by striking one of our own?! Is this the act of war!!?

Diamond Mage: Quiet.

Suddenly, several crystals manifested and multiplied, intent on harming Klaus. The mage rode on the crystal as he watched Klaus activate his grimoire.

Klaus: Steel Creation Magic: Full Metal Fortress!

A large, tall shield formed in front of Klaus. The crystals struck the shield but couldn't penetrate. Klaus glanced at Yuno, who had his eyes focused on the mage.

Klaus: Yuno, back me up.

Yuno: Yes, sir.

Klaus: Let's show this diamond bastard, the true power of the Clover's Golden Dawn!


Asta roared as he and (Y/N) raced down the dungeon halls, trying to find the quickest way to the treasure hall. Following closely behind, Noelle and Nero.

Noelle: Could it be—? Is the treasure hall really down here?

Asta: Only one way to find out!

Suddenly, a tremor asserted itself along with a loud explosion. (Y/N), Asta and Noelle struggled to stay on their feet as the rumbling continued.

Asta: Wait—! What was that?!

Noelle: It's probably Luck. I think he's fighting with someone.

Asta: For real—?! We've gotta go help!

Noelle: I don't know if we really have to, he's only doing what he knows, you know? Besides, if they are any other people after this dungeon's treasure hall, we need to hurry.

Asta was about to answer but gasped suddenly. Turning to his side, he noticed that (Y/N) had disappeared. Noelle sighed whilst Asta shrugged and took off.

Noelle: Ugh.


Luck found himself struggling to escape the current predicament he found himself in. Moments before, he was battling toe-to-toe with the diamond mage before him even though his senses were weakened. But it seems he slipped up and the mage took advantage of that by casting a smoke binding spell with the use of his grimoire.

He couldn't find the strength to move. The smoke weakened his muscles with each passing second. He faced his captor with eyes of determination however. His mind traced back to the words of his late mother:

Win, win, win and keep winning.

Panic begins to fill Luck's heart as he tries to find a way to escape but can't manage to break free of his restrictions.

I have to keep winning. I have to win, win, win or...

What I want will go away..

All this time, he always thought that if he didn't win, he would wound up losing the only thing he had—friends.

They only stayed close because he was strong, right?

The smoke begun to cloud Luck's vision over time but just then, a flicker of movement was detected amidst the fog. A sudden rush blew past the diamond mage, straight towards Luck.

Thwip! The sound was sharp and clean. Luck felt his restrictions loosen and watched the smoke begin to fade and clear. Luck landed on his feet, he was surprised to see a boy with a robe similar to his of a short stature, armed with a sword.

Footsteps nearing their position approached and revealed themselves to be none other then Asta and Noelle, along with Nero.

Diamond mage: Oho? And who do you three, if you don't mind me asking..?

Asta stepped forward, his grimoire hovered beside him and opened to reveal the hilt of a sword. Asta drew his blade and aimed it at the diamond with a determined glint in his eye.

Asta: We're his friends!

End of page 12.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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