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Brock grunted. He was shock. A couple minutes before they had seemingly won. Brock watched Alana and Finral slowly get to their feet after being sure that they'd be immobile for a while and his eyes widened. Aldar glanced over at Brock who was as shocked as he was.

Aldar: I thought the spell was tested? How can this be?

Brock: It was tested. It was tested on the captives...

Brock's eyes widened after he realised what he'd said.

Brock: She...that woman duped us! She made a spell that was last for a couple minutes knowing we'd use it on her daughter and the captives...damn her!

Aldar: You fool! I've trusted you and you've failed! Now i must take things into my own hands!

Aldar stood up and cracked his neck and his knuckles while he stared at (Y/N), Finral and Alana. Brock tried to move but fell to his knees once again. (Y/N)'s slice was lethal and had incapacitated Brock. Brock lifted his arm slowly to use magic to aid his boss but struggled to do so. He focused but nothing was working. Even his grimoire hadn't moved.

Brock: My magic? What is going ln? 

Finral: My buddy here has anti magic. That slice wasn't for show.

Brock looked up to see Finral resting his arm on top of (Y/N)'s head while Alana stood near them both with her arms closed and with a smirk on his face. Brock gritted his teeth and glared at them with the fury of a thousand suns.

Brock: Funny that a weakling like you is talking...

Alana: Anti magic? That's amazing!

(Y/N) smiled at her compliment. Brock looked towards the ground and found it harder to breathe by second. Brock looked around and felt himself fading, losing consciousness.

Alana: What was you saying about them being weak? It seems like you're the one who's weak...

Brock shot a glare at Alana who was the less bit terrified by his gaze.

Brock: Shut your mouth! I think you're forgetting that i have the keys to precious family and haven't won yet...HA! HA! HA!

Alana: Bastard...

(Y/N) lightly tapped her and dangles some keys in front of her face. Alana looked at the keys before reaching her arm out and taking them from (Y/N). She turned to look at Brock and threw the keys in the air and caught them. Brock couldn't believe it. He began to pat himself down in search of the keys and couldn't find it.

Brock: DAMN YOU!

(Y/N) pointed towards the building behind Aldar. Alana looked over at him and seemed confused by what he gestured towards the building when he could just tell them what he meant. Finral and Alana looked at each other then back at (Y/N). Finral had known (Y/N) and knew his circumstances so he was able to pick up on what he meant seconds after.

Alana: Could you repeat?

Finral: He's mute. He can't speak.

Alana: Oh. I apologise. Why are you pointing at the building?

Finral: I think he wants us to go and free your people while he takes on Brock and Aldar...

(Y/N) nodded.

Alana: You sure? They're tough.

(Y/N) gave her a thumbs up.

Alana: Ok....thank you for this and you too Finral. I know i was mean at first but it wasn't your fault that fog sent you to sleep or the fact that they sent only two magic that i think about it, you're probably all we need seen as (Y/N) was able to take out the bandits with ease...good luck!

Black Clover: The Boy Who Became King حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن