Ah, sister.

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I trudged out of the pizzeria, back hurting and head aching.
"Get in my car." William ordered.
I nodded and got in the passenger side, groaning as I relaxed in the seat. William froze for a second and then sat in the car, his hands resting on the wheel. After around 10 minutes of driving, we made it to my apartment complex.
"Right, wait here. I'll be quick." I quickly walked up and made my way to my apartment. Unlocking the door, I stepped inside and breathed in the scent of fruits.
"I'll miss this place." I sighed collecting the important stuff from around the place. Stuff like pictures, plants, books, diaries and things I had planned my future on. I shoved the stuff into a box, along with my little tv, my house phone, a blow up mattress, and also my mint green Telecaster.

I made my way back downstairs and headed to William's car. I chuckled slightly at the music.
"William, I can hear your music from the doors." I said, placing the boxes on the back seats and a few in the boot. I sat back in the passenger seat and turned the radio down a little bit but then turned it straight back up as a Queen song came on. I heard a chuckle from William but ignored it. I swayed along to the music as we drove down the empty roads of Hurricane. I sighed quietly and rested my head on the window, looking up at the sky. I lifted my head up as we turned a familiar corner. We pulled into William's drive and I unbuckled my belt. Before I could open the door, William was already there holding it open for me. I bowed my head at him and got out, opening the boot. I took out a few boxes and left the rest to William.
"Just leave them on the couch for me." I said, walking upstairs.
William just nodded and placed the boxes down gently. I made my way into my temporary room and placed the boxes down in the corner before heading back downstairs again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw William hunched over the sink, cleaning what looked like a raincoat, I looked him up and down and headed back off upstairs. I chucked the other boxes down on the floor and flopped over into my bed. A few minutes of staring at the ceiling later, a knock rung out on the door.
"Come in."
William stepped into the room.
"Y/N, I'm going to help you look for a house tomorrow. Take the day off."
"Oh, alright. Cheers."
William nodded and shut the door. I lay down facing the wall and tried to sleep. A while later, I checked the clock that was on the bedside table. It read 1:27am. I scrunched my nose up and sat up.
"Why can't I sleep oh my days." I sighed and stood up. I headed towards the door and gripped the cold handle, pulling it towards me. I stepped out of my room and onto the soft carpet. I went downstairs to the kitchen and smelt that familiar scent of my sisters perfume. I furrowed my brows and grabbed a glass. I light tapping came from what sounded like the table behind me. I span round and saw my sister's leather jacket. I gasped quietly and headed towards it.
"What the fuck." I whispered as I took the jacket off of that rack near the door. If I weren't looking for some sort of mark, I would have missed it. One little line of blood. Right on the collar of the jacket. I licked my teeth and took the jacket up to my room with me. I flicked the light on and placed the jacket on the bed, inspecting it closer. I found scratches on the arms and another little dot of blood on the inside. I held my breath and hid the jacket.
"I'm not staying here tonight."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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