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Samuel POV

She still didn't answer me and instead stayed there, "what do you want..." I approached the girl and it turned out she was crying instead? "You? Why are you crying?" she didn't answer and walked ahead of me, "hey I'm talking to you!" I held her arm roughly and she pushed my hand away more roughly.

"Why did I piss you off? Do you need to yell at me when talk?" This girl's tone is curt but her eyes are crying instead, you crybaby just snapped at already crying? even though I don't have enough reasons to be angry at her, why does Jake Kim have to hug her? I mean.. do you have to hug the members like that? people might think they are dating.

"This is what annoys me, you are a crybaby and careless, like to act before thinking and you are easily panicked, how can bigdeal accept a crybaby like you?!"

I'm the type who is honest every time I speak, look at her eyes, "what? Do you want to cry again?" I asked. She didn't answer anymore.


Then a few seconds later I felt heat creeping up my cheeks, "Damn it! Get out of here! I don't care anymore if you are killed by Baekho's workers! or Workers!" she did that again, see after slapping me she runs away and kicks me out?


Author POV

Jake stood looking at Sarang who had just returned, "Where have you been? Why are you walking so fast- hey are you crying?" didn't answer anymore Sarang went to her room and closed the door so loudly that Lineman, who was just sleeping, was immediately awake because of the sound of the door being slammed.

Seeing Samuel Seo coming, Jake Kim rubbed his face as if he knew what was going on. "Gosh, what happened? Why is she crying and your cheeks are so swollen?" Not answering right away, Samuel Seo sat on the terrace again enjoying his soju followed by Jake who was still waiting.

"She slapped me damn it! Why are you still asking? Are you stupid?" Jake just kept his straight face, "What did you do to get slapped? she can't slap without reason." Jake said.

"How can Bigdeal accept a member like her?" Samuel asked curiously, "because she's a romantic, even if she can only fight dirty, she'll do anything for a big deal. I'm serious what did you do to make her mad like that."

Samuel rubbed his cheek gently, "I just snapped a little, I just said she annoyed me, she's careless and likes to panic incoherently, and she's really whiny I asked why bigdeal accepted someone like her and soon I was slapped."

"Worth it~" Jake chuckled, "is it worth it?" Jake glanced at Samuel, "she can't be yelled at, even if someone talks to her in a high tone? she could cry right away, she once argued with Jason Yoon, Jason accidentally spoke in a high tone and.. Sarang slapped Jason then ran away~"

"How come that habit of slapping her doesn't go away?" Samuel took a sip of his soju.

"Hey, she's not a crybaby, she's a woman with a soft heart, you have to be able to differentiate between the way men and women behave, you idiot. Talk to her tomorrow or she won't want to see your face again."

Jake left Samuel there and chose to rest.


Samuel looked at the food that was not appetizing in front of him, "only ramen?" asked Seo looking at Jake and Lineman who were busy eating, "yes, if you want to eat something else, talk to her, we can't cook other food besides ramen." Jake said.

"She hasn't come out yet? It's already noon." Both of them shook their heads as a sign of no, "Gosh?! is she really a child who is angry for that long?"

Samuel Seo headed to Sarang's room, "Hey, are you really angry? ok, I'll go if that's what you want, I don't mean to snap at you.. but the way I talk is like this.. fine, I'm leaving, I don't know what will happen to me if I get caught later..."

Samuel waited in front of the girl's room door. It didn't take a few seconds for the door to open. When she saw Seo still at the door, Sarang tried to close the door again, but the boy held her back first.

"You still care about me right~ let's talk don't act childish like this." Sarang gave up because she lost her strength.

Samuel POV

"Given up already?" I asked because she was no longer trying to close the door, she really didn't want to see my face, "I told you how to speak like this, sorry if my words that night hurt you."

Only then did she want to see me. But what is this?! why is she looking at me like that? those brown eyes are so cute.. damn what kind of feeling is this.

"Improve the way you talk to women, and reduce your annoying attitude." She said slowly, "Okay, you also reduce your character that I told you that night, agree?" and she didn't answer instead she walked into the dining room.

Author POV

"Are you two done? Let's eat." Jake smiled seeing the two of them back, "you offered food but what is this?!" How could he not protest that the ramen had run out, "We were hungry earlier, you guys just cook it yourself~" Jake and Lineman left the two of them and chose to get some fresh air outside.

Seo glanced at Sarang, "come on cook, I'll help." Samuel said.

The two of them were busy cooking in silence, "Is there anything I can help you with?" the boy asked because Sarang had been busy alone, "slice the onion." Answer the girl.

"... Where's the place to slice it? It can't be without a mat." Seo asked, "On top of this, take that." said the girl.

"Can't you step aside? I want to take it..." Sarang doesn't move, "you're tall, you can definitely reach it."

Samuel POV

Wow, she's still angry, I don't talk anymore and I don't care about her turning to look at me, "what's the need to touch me?!"

Look now instead she is angry, "your fault, I told you earlier to step aside right!" I was speechless when I saw this girl's pale face after hearing i raised my voice.

I took a deep breath.

"... Don't make me mad, I already apologized why are you still being cold to me?" there was no answer she returned to busy herself so did I, I glanced briefly at her wiping her cheek, can she really not hear people's voices with high pitches?

"Are you crying because I was angry earlier? It's your fault." I tried to open my voice, "I know, but these damn tears come out on their own." Her answer was short, After the cooking was finished we ate in silence.

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