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This is where the girl is now, pacing back and forth after getting a call from Brad Lee saying that bigdeal is currently a fugitive and he only sent a short message that this girl was asked to save Samuel Seo  on Jake Kim orders.

"What should I do? Never once has Jake ordered me like this, then why is bigdeal a fugitive..."


The girl slapped herself to stay conscious, "Calm down Sarang, because of this I have never been given any orders, hufh.."

Sarang received a small hint, after calming herself the girl moved quickly to get into her one and only worn out car.


"I can't be late, if a few seconds are late, it's Samuel Seo fate will be finished. Hey, son, be a good boy here." After parking her car she immediately rushed.

"Shit! I'm late!" Sarang saw a woman who she believed was Baekho's workforce had made Seo Seongeun faint, "Finish this quickly, I can do it!" as she ran she immediately kicked the woman's cellphone, "who-" before she could see herself, Sarang hit the woman's head against the wall many times until the person was unconscious.

"Sorry, I'm not a fighter, I'm only good at making my opponent faint," Sarang pulled Samuel body slowly.

"... He's too heavy! hey wake up!" SLAP! Sarang slaps him but there was no answer with all her might she dragged the body towards her car which was not so far from this place, "Come on! hurry up.. that woman already called someone earlier I can't move slowly like this, but his body is too heavy, jeez!"

With all her might, she finally managed to get the boy into her car, "Son, let's work together, please.." Just started the car, it suddenly started up unusually, "good boy~"

The car sped away from the place.


Nearly half an hour the boy was unconscious, "what did that woman inject? Why did he pass out all this time?" Sarang's eyes look at the rearview mirror, "it's good at least I can drive quietly."

Sarang chose her second safe house, if the first house she was worried about it would be easy to find out.

Soon she arrived at a deserted housing estate, so many houses lined up but the occupants were few. "Fortunately no one passed by, otherwise I could be mistaken for killing people."

After turning on the light she put Samuel Seo body down slowly, "because I dragged, his clothes so dirty, let's see if I have clothes for him~"

She opened the wardrobe but there was no clothes that will fit Samuel body, then Sarang took a brown blanket, "how long are you going to sleep? I'm not a pervert so don't be afraid."

Sarang undressed Samuel and then lay him down again, covering his body with the blanket earlier, she also immediately put the shirt in the washing machine.

Sarang reaches for her cell phone to call Brad Lee but it's not active, as soon as she calls another one the result is the same, she turns on the television and true to what Brad said, she immediately turns off the television, doesn't want to worry anymore.

Her eyes fell on Samuel Seo, "what should I do now?"

With languid steps she took warm water and a cloth and then wetted it, she cleaned the blood stains on the boy's face and body, painstakingly treating his wounds.

"Where are you guys rn? ah... I'm worried, Jake Kim where are you, Lineman, Jason Yoon, Jerry Kwon, Lua Im..." Sarang thought, still cleaning the sleeping boy's body.

Samuel Seo POV

My head is dizzy, and my body feels weak what has happened, where am I? my eyes looked around and I tried to get up, someone's steps made me alert but my body was powerless.

"Oh you're awake?" The girl asked casually, while her hand was placing a plastic bag filled with a lot of food.

"Who are you? You're from Baekho?" I asked curiously, the girl's face looked annoyed, "if I were Baekho's worker, you would definitely be in Workers now, not here." She said casually then approached me.

"For now, you have to eat, I bought this at the front and I'm sure you don't have the energy to go anywhere." She provides instant rice and several side dishes that she just bought earlier.

I looked at her surprised, where are my clothes? and who is she? as if realizing the meaning of my gaze she opened her voice.

"I'm Sarang, Bigdeal number 19 you're in my safe house and I was ordered by Jake to help you, I got that info from Brad, and..." Her eyes saw me covering my body with a blanket.

"I've cleaned your clothes, they're still wet and I don't have any clothes for you, so just use the blanket, eat fast, you've been unconscious for 2 hours."

Author POV

Sarang went to the washing machine to dry the clothes, she again reached into her pocket to call a bigdeal member who might not have been caught.

But the result is still the same, "wherever you all are, I hope you guys fine..."


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