Returned to Rest

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Song is In The End by Tommee Profitt.
So, I recently started reading the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson, and it's been so good! Have y'all read it? If you haven't, I would highly recommend it. It's in the fantasy genre. The characters and plot are very well-written, and he has just the right amount of twists. If anyone is looking for a good read, I would check the series out! Anyways, on to the last chapter of this story! Please enjoy!

Kyojuro's POV

The remaining year of my life seemed to fly by. I spent most of it learning about the world I had ended up in, as well as assisting Fili with his new duties as Crown Prince and Advisor.
Thorin had proved to be an excellent ruler, especially once his greed had been conquered.
He and King Thranduil were allies, if somewhat tersely.
On the other hand, Erebor had excellent relations with Dale.
There was even talk amongst the politicians and advisors of a political marriage between Bard's elders daughter, Sigrid, and Crown Prince Fili. Kings Thorin and Bard, however, stepped up and declared that no such action would be considered without the consent of both parties.
Their words pleased both Sigrid and Fili, I think.
Obanai and Mitsuri, at least, finally stopped pretending that there weren't any feelings between them. They are married, and are quite well off.
They have elected to stay in Dale, knowing that they would hate being trapped underground. The winding maze of the halls probably reminds them of the Infinity Castle, where they battled Muzan and his Upper Moons.
I don't blame them.
Bilbo has long since returned to the Shire, although he often sends letters, telling us of the goings-on of his home. We drew quite a crowd with our laughter when Bilbo expressed his acute displeasure as to the selling off of his home and belongings.
Thorin wanted to send him more treasure to make up for the belongings he'd had to pay for, but Bilbo staunchly refused to accept any more gold.
As for myself, I am content, even knowing that I will soon die.
Day by day, I feel myself steadily growing weaker. I have never mentioned this to anyone, for fear of causing undue alarm.

It's not as if they don't already know.

I sat back in my chair slightly, my quill briefly ceasing it's scratching.
I had revealed everything to the Company upon the defeat of the Orc armies. However, I had no desire to be treated like an invalid. I wanted to live the last year of my life to the fullest.
And so I did.
And, when the day came, I would be ready.
Although I would miss Obanai, Mitsuri, the Company, and the other friends I have made here, there would be no regret. I felt in my bones the need to return to my loved ones.
To the other Demon Slayers.
To Master Ubuyashiki.
I was interrupted in my journaling by a knock on the door.
I put on a customary smile.
"Enter, friend!" I declared.
The door opened to reveal the only-slightly-less-mischievous Kili. He gave me a wide grin.
"The kitchens made our favorite sweet potatoes! We must hurry and eat them!"
I laughed as I followed young Kili to the kitchens. Sweet potatoes were worth leaving my journaling for.

A week before my death, my weakness has reached the point of severe illness, and I am now bedridden.
This does not mean, however, that I am in any way neglected. I have many people with me at all times. I don't know if they are simply keeping an eye on me, or if they simply desire to enjoy my company once more, but I care little. I love the company.
I happen to be alone at this time, and so have the opportunity in which to scribble in my journal.
Despite the fact that I greatly enjoy my new life, I find myself desiring more and more the company of those I once knew. I have no way of knowing the cause of my unusual yearning for death.
Perhaps it is simply a side effect of the fact that I am supposed to be dead.
Perhaps my body simply wishes to return to the state in which it was before.
Perhaps it is because, as a Demon Slayer, I have always had to be prepared for death.
Perhaps I'll never know.

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