The Desolation of Smaug

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Song is That's What the Wise Lady Said by Angtoria.
The story now follows the Company's adventures through the Desolation of Smaug. This chapter turned out to be wayyy longer than expected. I almost decided to do it in two parts, but that would mess up the story structure. I hope y'all enjoy the surprise!!!😜😜

By the way, it's gonna be Kyojuro's POV unless I change it.

These last few weeks have been hectic. With the death of their leader, the angry Orcs have been relentlessly pursuing us.
At the moment it was cold, and the sun was just about to rise.
We had sent Bilbo out to scout, to see where the enemy was. The Hobbit's light feet were proving themselves useful.
After what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes, a harried Bilbo stumbled back into view.
"How close is the pack?"
Thorin didn't waste any time.
He had come to trust Bilbo greatly after the events in the Misty Mountains.
"Too close," Bilbo replied. "Couple of leagues. No more. But that's not the worst of it."
"Have the Wargs picked up our scent?" an alarmed Dwalin inquired.
Bilbo shook his head.
"Not yet, but they will do. We have another problem."
"Did they see you?" Gandalf asked in alarm.
And so the annoying questioning continued until an irate Bilbo shouted.
"Will you just listen! I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there."
I looked over at Gandalf. His eyes had narrowed.
"What form did it take? Like a bear?"
Bilbo stared at him in surprise, shocked that he had correctly guessed the issue.
"Y-yes. But bigger, much bigger."
Gandalf turned away from us, pondering.
Meanwhile, we discussed what we should do with this new information.
"I say we double back," one said.
"We'll be run down by a pack of Orcs," Thorin argued back.
The others more or less agreed with him.
I put my hand on my sword.
"If you're worried about the bear, I can probably kill it. There's no way it's harder to kill than other creatures I've destroyed."
Gandalf interrupted us.
"I'm afraid that killing the bear will only make our situation worse. However, there is a house, not far from here, where we might...take refuge."
Thorin was more than suspicious about this information.
"Whose house? Are they friend or foe?"
Gandalf frowned.
"Neither. He will help us, or he will kill us."
Behind us, we suddenly heard the roar of the bear. It had probably picked up our scent.
I shook my head.
"Looks like we don't have a choice. Run!"
And so we ran. And ran. And ran.
As the sun was about to set, we spotted a quant house.
The bear was right on our tail.
"Into the house! Run!" Gandalf commanded.
We reached the door, but, for whatever reason, the Dwarves simply pounded against it, not reaching for the latch.
Gandalf yelled at us to open the door as I shoved my way through them, pushing up the latch.
All sixteen of us piled in, and we closed the door on the bear's head, managing to push it out just in time.
Once the door was latched, we let out a sigh of relief.
"What is that?" asked Ori in horror.
"That is our host," Gandalf answered gravely.
The rest of us turned to him in shock.
"His name is Beorn. And he's a Skin-Changer. Sometimes he's a huge black bear, sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with. However, he is not overfond of Dwarves."
It seemed to me that there were a great many people who disliked Dwarves.
The others murmured to each other about this new information. One of them accused the bear-man of being under a dark spell. Gandalf promptly shut him up.
After finding ourselves proper bedding, we fell into an uneasy sleep.
Sometime close to the morning, I was awoken by the door opening. I glanced to the side, and I met Bilbo's eyes. We both looked towards the kitchen, where an incredibly tall man was bustling about. This must be his human form. He doesn't feel like a Demon, Orc, or Goblin. I hope we can trust him.
It wasn't long before I fell back asleep.
I awoke to the sound of the others rising. We all trampled to the kitchen window, where we could see our host chopping wood.
The others discussed what to do while I studied the strange man.
He was tall, and would probably tower over Gandalf himself. He was shirtless, with shoulder length brown hair and a beard. Thick hair also covered his chest and back.
I started listening to the conversation happening around me when Gandalf spoke up.
"There is no point in arguing," he firmly stated. "We cannot pass through the Wilderland without Beorn's help. We'll be hunted down before we even get to the forest."
The Dwarves all looked at each other nervously.
Gandalf shook his head worriedly.
"Now this will require some delicate handling. We must tread very carefully. The last person to have startled him was torn to shreds."
I blinked. He sounded violent, even as a human.
I wondered if he was anything like Sanemi.
The Dwarves looked at each other in alarm.
"I will go first," Gandalf stated. "And Bilbo, Kyojuro, you'll both come with me."
Bilbo looked less than enthused about this, but obeyed when Thorin gave him a nod.
I immediately stepped up.
"I will assist however I can!" I said cheerfully.
"Is this a good idea?" Bilbo asked nervously.
"Yes, yes," Gandalf said with more confidence.
"Now, the rest of you wait here, and don't come out until I give the signal."
"Right, wait for the signal," Bofur nodded.
He had taken a post by the window.
"And no sudden moves, or loud noises, and don't overcrowd him. And only come out in pairs."
Gandalf continued his instructions. It almost sounded like we were to treat Beorn like an animal that would attack at the first provocation. Although, I suppose, that scenario wasn't far from reality.
After a further reminder for them to wait for the signal, the three of us slowly approached our host.
The sound of the axe was almost eerie, like it was foreshadowing our end.
As we walked, I noticed something peculiar.
"You're nervous," Bilbo spoke up.
I guess he noticed it too.
Gandalf was quick to refute the observation.
"Nervous? What nonsense."
But he couldn't completely hide his discomfort.
He turned to our unwilling host.
"Good morning!" he said pleasantly.
The huge man didn't respond, but continued to chop his pile of wood, nearly hitting Gandalf as he lifted the axe.
Gandalf frowned, and spoke a little louder.
"Good morning!" he said again.
The man, still facing away from us, planted the head of the axe on the chopping block. When he spoke, his voice was deep, grating, and full of suspicion.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"I am Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey," the Wizard replied with a polite bow.
"I am Kyojuro Rengoku, a traveling swordsman!" I also introduced myself with a similar bow.
Bilbo had hidden himself behind Gandalf, no doubt too frightened to speak up.
Beorn finally turned towards us fully, placing the axe head down by his feet.
I noticed that he was covered in scars.
"Never heard of either of you," he answered.
Gandalf seemed at a loss. Most people knew who he was.
"I'm a Wizard," he explained. "Perhaps you've heard of my colleague, Radaghast the Brown. He resides in the Southern borders of Mirkwood."
But Beorn was clearly done with the pleasantries.
"What do you want?" he growled.
I bowed, deciding to help my friend out.
"We wish to thank you for your hospitality!" I exclaimed. "You may have noticed we took refuge in your lovely home last night."
At this point, Bilbo, who had been nervously peeking out from behind Gandalf, was made known. It was clear that his presence put Beorn on edge.
"Who is this little fellow?" he growled, gripping his axe tightly.
Gandalf continued to smile pleasantly.
"Well... this would be Mr. Baggins, from the Shire."
Beorn lifted the axe slightly off the ground. Hidden under my cloak, my fingers brushed the hilt of my sword.
"He's not a Dwarf, is he?" the huge man inquired suspiciously.
Gandalf kept up his act.
"Why no! He's a Hobbit! Good family, and unimpeachable reputation!"
Bilbo had not found his voice quite yet, but he smiled and nodded in agreement.
This seemed to slightly appease our host, who lowered the axe.
"A Halfling, a Wizard, and a strange Man. How come you here?" the man asked in his gravely voice.
"Oh, well, the fact is, we've had a bad time of it from Goblins in the mountains."
This didn't impress Beorn.
"What did you go near Goblins for? Stupid thing to do!"
I smiled to myself. He really was a lot like Sanemi.
"You are absolutely right!" Gandalf agreed with him, waving his hand strangely.
All at once, two Dwarves piled out of the house. It was Balin and Dwalin.
Beorn grunted and picked up his axe, ready to swing at the slightest provocation.
Gandalf turned back to the man nervously.
"I-I must confess that several of our group are in fact...Dwarves," he said hesitantly.
Beorn frowned.
"Do you call two..."several"?"
Gandalf pretended to be confused, counting on his fingers. He mumbled to himself.
"Why yes...there could be more than two..."
The next pair to leave the house were Oin and Gloin.
Gandalf chuckled nervously.
"Ah! Here are some more of our happy troop!"
Beorn was getting more agitated, if that was possible.
"And do you call six, a "troop"!?"
Gandalf chuckled again.
"What are you, a traveling circus?!"
Beorn growled again when Ori and Dori made an appearance, snapping at them when they offered their services.
"Absolutely understandable!"
Gandalf turned Beorn's attention back to himself. Meanwhile, more Dwarves were piling out of the house.
The next pair were Fili and Kili.
"Oh! Fili and Kili I'd quite forgotten!" Gandalf continued to act surprised at their appearance. 
After that, Nori, Bofur, Bifur, and Bombur all piled out at once.
Gandalf introduced them with a resigned tone.
They were all there except for Thorin, who no doubt wanted to make a dramatic entrance.
Beorn's severe gaze swept over the group.
"Is that it? Are there any more?"
Thorin took this chance to step out, a severe glare on his own face.
Beorn's expression changed as he regarded him.
It seems Thorin, at least, was someone familiar to him.
Thankfully, instead of tearing us to shreds, he invited us all to come inside for a meal.

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