Chapter 6:

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Ronin's Shop: 

There were ghosts simply just flying out from Morro's fingertips, and we had no way of stopping the chaos from happening. 

"We're gonna need more water!" Cole yelled. Ronin, tied up, began circling around Kai. 

"Cut me free!" he if we weren't currently busy dodging impenetrable spirits from our undead enemy. 

"Not until you give me the scroll!" Kai threatened, as we dodged underneath one of the ghosts. "You're not the only one who can make a deal." 

"Then at least take an Aeroblade and get rid of a few of these ghosts!" 

"You said they were hard to come by!" 

"Is this really the time to argue?!" I scolded, grabbing a blade and throwing it. 

"I'm a businessman! That was business!" Ronin pointed out, as one of the ghosts dissipated from sight at the touch of the blade. "This is personal! Now cut me free!" 

Kai grabbed a blade. 

"Not before we check out the merchandise!" he stubbornly refused, throwing the blade at another ghost; the blade glowed upon impact, and the being disappeared. 

"Is more than one test subject really required at a time like this?!" 

"Sorry I doubted you before!" 
He grabbed three more blades, throwing them to the rest of the team. 
"Try these!" 

Jay laughed. 

"Now who's scared of who?!" 

Jay's blade cut through the ropes on Ronin's back not soon after getting rid of Morro's last friend; the shop owner jumped into combat, fists pushing against Morro's. 

"WHERE IS THE SCROLL?!" Morro bellowed. 

"You'll never find it! Whoa!" 

Kicking Morro into the wall, something broke simultaneously. 
Something else fell to the floor. 


"Only one of us shall possess it!" 

"Yeah! Me!" 

Ronin whistled; the building began to shake. 

The thief picked up the scroll, as out of the floorboards rose...

"AH! I told you his ship wasn't far!" 

"Sorry to leave you hanging!" Ronin called from above. "but since this scroll's so important, I can't just give it away!" 

With a gust of wind, Morro sent the shop owner flying, and his ship began moving backwards. The six of us raced to where Ronin had landed over a bridge. 

He made a run for it; we did the best we could but unfortunately, Morro beat us to the punch. We watched from behind a rooftop as he snatched the scroll from Ronin. 

"Morro's got the scroll!" Jay reported -- as if we hadn't just witnessed it. "We can't let him get away!" 

"He won't outrun the five of us!" Cole taunted as we gave chase. 

Jay fell through the roof again. 

"Scratch that! Guess it's just the four of us!" 

We had come close, only to find him taking cables from the satellites, and using them to swing across to other rooftops. Kai and Cole copied his actions. 

The only problem was: there weren't enough cables. 

Zane and I were left behind. 

I gave Kai a nod as he looked back at us; we had to find our own way around. 

PossessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora