Chapter 3:

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The Bridge: 

"Are you aiming for that mountain?!" I could hear my brother screech rhetorically as I pushed myself through the door. 

"Trying to rise above it!" Nya answered, exasperated as she pulled on the steering. 
She grunted. 
"A little help?!" 

The guys rushed to each side of her, giving more strength to the wheel to try and force the ship to change directions. 

"Bree! The button!" Nya called. 

The primary thrusters. 

I made a beeline to the panel behind us -- ignoring the vertigo and great need to vomit, help -- and smashed my fist against the bright green button in the center. 

Just like that, we were back in business...

...for a moment. 

The Bounty just barely missed the mountain...barely being the keyword. 

The bottom of the ship scraped the peak of the earth beneath us, audibly making a hole, from the noise we could hear. The force of the change in direction sent Jay, Nya and Cole flying smack into the glass of the bridge. They fell over with a groan and I myself lost balance, falling backwards against the panel and sliding to the floor. 

"...Okay...that's gonna hurt in the morning..." 

The moment didn't last; the alarm continued to blare as the four of us flew backwards while the Bounty flew upwards; Nya climbed her way to the jumbo screen to see what was going on as Jay and Cole regained control of the wheel. 

"Primary thrusters destabilized!" she warned. "Better hold on!" 

"Oh, great! So that button was all for noth--AAH!" 
I went flying forward as the ship picked up speed; Jay barely caught me with an arm gripping my sleeve before I could hit the glass in front of us, and the sudden drop in momentum caused me to rock back before falling smack on my rear as I slipped out of his hold.

The Bounty made a crash landing in the woods.  

The Brig: 

Kai and Zane were looking out of the hole in the brig's wall, when we finally caught up. 

"Just think!" Jay chimed in. "If Sensei hadn't gotten rid of the staff, it could've been worse!" 

"Yeah, but now we don't know the message." Cole pointed out. 

"Not exactly." 
We turned to see Wu approaching.
"I managed to make an imprint." 

We followed him to the boys' quarters, where three symbols had been painted on a wall in black: one of a tornado, another of a staff, surrounded by what I could only interpret as clouds or smoke, and a third symbol representing a skull.

"But what does it all mean?" Jay asked, after flicking off his mask. 

"My father told me long ago that he would leave a message, leading me to his final resting place," Sensei explained. "After he passed, I looked everywhere for it, not knowing it was in my hand the whole time." 

"You mean to tell us--" 

"Yes," the sensei cut Kai off. One by one, the guys began to follow him out of the ship's hole, and down a rope that led to the forest grounds.
"These symbols will lead us to the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master; only problem is I haven't the foggiest idea what any of them mean." 

"Well if Morro is trying to find the tomb, we've gotta find it first." I could hear Kai's voice echo as it grew quieter in the distance. 

I stayed inside, staring at the wall. These symbols...I remembered a nurse at the orphanage once telling the kids and me about a story revolving around them, though I never remembered what the story was about. 

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