🥺💞 Playtime With Hermes!

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A/N Yes I'm dieing, yes I'm writing, and I ain't stopping, please request more! Also this was requested by japaneseTOFU hope you like it!

Author's POV
  Hermes is quietly playing with some toys Sausage had made him up in the tower Joel built for him. He's having a lot of fun, and he's playing with his dad's too! It's bringing tears to my eyes watching from the void as the doll Sausage is playing with trips and falls over wooden versions of Legos, making Hermes giggle. All the while Joel is just watching as well, a smile on his face.

  I don't know what they're thinking, or what they're saying, but what I do know is that they're a happy family, enjoying some time together after being seperate by the rift. It's a joyful site for anyone peering in, and it almost makes [REDACTED] feel a slight bit of regret, almost, but not quiet yet.

A/N I know it's short, but I thought that the writing style would be something new that might make up for it, but I can only hope

Empires SMP Oneshots <Requests Permanently Closed>Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora