😭🤗 S2 Joel X Sausage

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Requested by mynamcadet Hope you like it!

'' thinking
"" talking
Anything else is descriptions

3rd Person's POV

Joel and Sausage were in Stratos right now. Hermes is with Auntie Lizzie, probably trampling a colorful Scottish man's crops. But that didn't matter, neither cared, at least, not right now. Right now all that mattered was what they were talking about. You see, hunters hired by the king of Sausage's old home had come to The Sanctuary, looking for Sausage. Joel and Hermes happened to be there when this happened. So after leaving, Joel sent Hermes to Lizzie, while he talked to Sausage about this.

Sausage had ended up telling the story of his past to Joel. He even included the part about his parents and the one who took care of him. (I am not going to try and spell his name)

Sausage began crying while telling this story, well, towards the end of the story. Joel had hugged him and held him close, comforting Sausage as he continued his story.

By the time Sausage finished, Joel was full on cuddling him. "I'm sorry that happened to you..." Joel eventually said so quietly and sadly, it broke Sausage's heart to hear it.

The End

Sorry it was so short, I'm writing this while on my lunch break at school.

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