36. The Suite Life

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"Come in & shut the door." Zack heard Choni & Veronica tell YN as he walked past a closet. "What do you 3 want?" YN says closing the door behind her without noticing Zack standing there listening to their conversation. "We wanna know how our little arrangement is going?" Cheryl said. "It's fine." YN mumbles. "Good keep it up or you know what happens." Veronica & Toni said glaring at her before Cheryl said. "Ok that's it, you can leave." Zack walked away before YN could see him, noticing he's gonna have to talk to her about it, since she won't talk to Cody that much anymore and maybe there's a reason why.

YN walks away sighing sadly before going back to her & Bailey's dorm (since London insisted on her having her own room) seeing Cody, Bailey, & London in there. "Hey YN." Bailey said looking at her. "Hey." She said, she locks eyes with Cody before looking away going to the bathroom closing the door behind her locking it.

A few days later, Zack kept his eye on YN who grabbed his arm one day and said after they went somewhere private to talk. "Why are you watching me like a hawk?" "Because I've noticed that you don't talk or hangout with Cody that much anymore, why not?" Zack said watching her avoid his gaze before he makes her look at him. "Because I can't, don't tell anyone what I said or it's going to get worse." YN hissed before she wipes her eyes trying to walk away but Zack grabbed her hand again and said. "We're going to my cabin, & you're going to explain it to me & Marcus in detail ok?" "Ok." YN mumbles looking at the floor.

Zack's cabin, they both walked in there and they saw Cody, Woody, & Marcus sitting there talking. "Everybody out except for YN." Cody says looking at her who wouldn't look at him before Marcus said. "Ok, c'mon guys let's go to the aqua lounge & leave these two to talk." Zack looks at YN whispering. "Do you want to stay?" "No, but I have to get this done sooner than later especially soon." YN mumbles. "Stop flirting with my best friend & get the hell out now." Cody says looking at them before he grabs Zack's arm and pushed him out the door shutting it behind him locking it before he said looking at YN with his arms crossed over his chest. "So, here's the deal, you can either tell me why you've been avoiding me or we can stay in here all day long."

Cody & YN just sat & stood there for a few minutes before Cody sighs rubbing his face sitting beside her saying. "Ok, I don't know what's happening, but I'm your best friend and you know you can always talk to me. Ok?" He hugs her tightly before she said. "You are my bff, but I can't tell you this." Cody looks at her before moving hair out of her face before saying. "Ok, so are we good?" "Yeah." YN mumbles looking at the wall trying so hard not to cry as she clung to him.

The next day on the Sky Deck, YN was sitting at the juice bar with Bailey & London when Zack walked up to them and said. "Ok, now it's time to talk about what happened yesterday." YN says quietly so only they could hear. "Cheryl, Toni & Veronica said that after graduation, they're going back to Riverdale & they're taking Cody with them whenever they go back and we'll never see him again."

"WHAT?!" Zack, Cody, Bailey, London, Woody, & Marcus asked her. "That's not going to happen guys, I wouldn't leave you like that especially my bff." Cody says looking at them before he grabs YN and hugs her tightly whispering. "Is this why you've been avoiding me?" "Yeah." YN mumbles. "Well, you can stop now because I'm not going anywhere I promise." Cody says looking at the gang before he asked. "Where are Choni & Veronica?" "We haven't seen them since that one day." Marcus replied before he looks around and said. "Mr. Moseby's coming this way & he looks pissed off."

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