17. The Suite Life FT RVD PT 3

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A few days later, Cody & Veronica have been sneaking around.

Veronica's room
Veronica laid on her bed with her legs spread as Cody licked her pussy gently & softly. "Oh God right there!!!" Veronica screams as Cody's kitten licks got harder, he held her down on the bed burying his face into her pussy deeper. "I'm gonna cum!!" She squirted all over his face before he got up and said. "Clean it up." Veronica whimpers & does what he said. It stayed like that for a couple of months until one night they got caught...

One night a few months later... Cody & Veronica were in Cody's room making out, it was about to escalate, but it didn't because the door opened with the gang walking in from Riverdale and the S.S. Tipton, they all stood there jaw dropped with shocked looks on their faces & some of them were smirking. "What the hell is going on here?!" The Riverdale gang asked Veronica who smiles & said. "Nothing." Then she clung to Cody who held her tightly looking at the S.S. Tipton gang who kept looking shocked & smirking before Zack said. "I didn't know you could get a girl like that." "Me neither, but I did also don't tell Bailey, I'm going to tell her whenever she gets back from Kansas." Cody said looking at all of them before Veronica said. "You guys found out... Now get the hell out." "Ok have fun, but not to much fun." Then all of them walked out except for Cheryl & Toni who says. "We have to talk to you about something."

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