22. The Suite Life FT RVD PT 5

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Veronica whimpers clinging to Cody who holds her closer to him as Choni was still asleep. "Why couldn't they have done this to Jughead or one of them not you!!!" Veronica starts to cry and cling to him more making Cody smirk holding her tightly & closer to him kissing her passionately before he whispers. "It's ok I promise." "It's not ok with me." Veronica said burying her face into his chest, he lays down with her as she lays on his chest still crying, Cody rubs her back gently before he flips them over kissing her passionately making her smile.

A few hours later, Choni woke up and said. "Could this be a regular thing?" "No." Veronica whimpers clinging to Cody again making him smirk before he let her lay all over him before Choni looked at each other before Cheryl asked. "Why not?" "Because he's mine!!" Veronica said starting to cry making Choni & Cody look at each other before they smirk and Cody said. "I am yours, and you're mine."

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