15. The Suite Life FT RVD PT 1

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The S.S Tipton
"So, apparently there's some new kids coming on the boat to seven seas high." Woody tells Zack Cody Bailey London & Marcus besides YN as they sit at the juice bar. "How do you know that?" They asked him. "Because Addison heard it from Reina & her friends & Addison told me." Woody said. "Ok, when?" Cody & Bailey asked as London said. "I hope they're rich."

A few weeks later in Riverdale...
"Why do we have to go on a cruise?" Kevin asked Bughead Varchie Choni Reggie & Fangs. "Because it's free, & we can finally get away from things in Riverdale." Veronica said not knowing that she Cheryl & Toni are going to have some fun with this blonde haired guy for months every single day that they're on the cruise ship. "So when do we leave?" The gang asked her. "Tomorrow, so pack your bags tonight we leave first thing tomorrow morning." Veronica replied feeling weird all of a sudden.

The S.S. Tipton a few weeks later...
"Addison said that the new kids are coming tomorrow morning." Woody told the gang at the juice bar again. "Ok, well we'll meet them tomorrow & we'll talk to them then." The gang replied before Cody said. "We have to go to class now."

The next day/morning, Bughead Varchie Choni Reggie Fangs & Kevin walked into the lobby of the S.S. Tipton walking to the front desk, Mr. Moseby looked at them before he smiles and said. "Welcome to the S.S. Tipton." Veronica handed him the free cruise ship tickets, Mr. Moseby clicked them into the computer giving them all room keys before he walked them to their rooms. "We have everything you can do on a cruise ship, and there's all kinds of stuff to do--" Mr. Moseby stopped talking after seeing Zack Woody & Marcus running in the hall. "What did you do this time?" He looks at Zack, the Riverdale gang look at each other before they look at Mr. Moseby, & the other 3 kids. "Nothing." Zack answered before looking at Jughead and said. "Cody, weird outfit, but c'mon help me out here I'm your brother." "My name's Jughead, not Cody." Jughead replied glancing at Betty Archie Kevin Reggie Fangs Choni & Veronica. "Well, you look like you could be mine & my brother's twin, if you dyed your hair blonde." Zack replied looking at him as Woody & Marcus stared at them jaw dropped.

Mr. Moseby looked at all of them weird before he tells the Riverdale gang, here are your keys, enjoy your stay, if you need anything just let me know (he looks at Veronica). tell Hiram Lodge, Mr. Tipton loves the new stuff at the Tipton hotel in Japan." "Ok, I will." Veronica replied then Mr. Moseby walked away from them, Veronica's feeling weirder than before looking at Zack Woody & Marcus before Zack said. "I'm Zack, that's Woody, & Marcus, you must be the new kids." "Yeah, I'm Jughead, that's Betty, Archie, Veronica, Cheryl, Toni, Kevin, & Fangs. Do I really look like you & your brother?" Jughead asked him. "Yes, instead of them being twins, they could be triplets." Marcus & Woody said before London, Bailey, & YN passed them with Cody. "Guys, wait." Zack said. "We can't we have something to do." Cody replied not looking at him. "These are the new kids!!" Zack yelled at them. London, Bailey, YN, & Cody stopped walking, turned around & looked at Zack Woody & Marcus, who pointed the Riverdale gang.

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