11. Riverdale

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Cheryl & Veronica cried all day at school knowing the serpents have to leave Riverdale high, knowing that Toni & Jughead are gonna have to leave too since they're part of the serpents. Betty Archie Kevin & Reggie watched them cry when they thought no one was looking, but they saw they didn't tell Jughead Toni Fangs Joaquin or Sweet Pea though because then that'll just stress Jughead & Toni out even more, so Archie came up with a plan to get Mr. Whetherbee to keep the Southside high students at Riverdale high & it worked now Cheronica doesn't cry in public or in private anymore about losing Jughead & Toni.

One day at school before Archie's plan, Jughead saw his girls avoiding him & Toni all day, he sighed getting Toni's attention before she said. "They're not going to tell us, that they're going to miss us, we have to trick them into telling us." Jughead smirks and said. "Ok, how?!" Toni told him her plan before he smirks saying. "We'll need the gang's help." After school, Cheronica went to Cheryl's house, and they kept whining, screaming, & crying asking who or whatever was listening to them why Jughead & Toni was being taken away from them. "Yeah, ok we'll help." Betty said as she Archie Kevin & Reggie sat with Jughead & Toni at a booth in Pop's. "Where are the girls now?" Jughead asked looking at Kevin who says. "Ginger said Cheryl goes home and cries herself to sleep & sometimes she has Veronica go with her." Jughead & Toni look at each other before they smirk and Toni said. "Let's go."

At thornhill, Toni & Jughead walked in going straight to Cheryl's room seeing them laying on the bed sound asleep with tearstained cheeks, Jughead sighs sadly before he lays on top of Veronica hiding his face in his neck as Toni did the same thing to Cheryl. A few hours later, Jughead & Toni are off of them sitting on the couch in Cheryl's room seeing their girls wake up looking at them before they look at each other and they start crying again. Jughead wraps his arms around their waist tightly as Toni did the same thing. "This isn't real." Cheryl whimpers grabbing her pillow before Jughead takes it away from her throwing it on the floor, Toni grabbed Veronica's pillow and the blankets on the bed throwing them on the floor too before Jughead opened his legs and said. "Sit, now don't make sir say it again." Cheronica whine as they sat in his lap and he holds them tightly to him as Toni plays with their hair gently saying. "If we do have to go to another school it'll be ok, we'll still see each other after school & on the weekends." Cheronica burst into tears again gripping Jughead's shirt making him look at Toni and mouth. "Call, Archie & tell him he better have a plan now."

Toni got up off the bed getting her phone out calling Archie who said he did have a plan & Toni ends the call asking. "He wants to know how many serpent jackets he can borrow?" Jughead's eyebrows raised before he said. "Let's go check, c'mon girls you're coming with us. Sir's not taking no as an answer." Cheronica get up off the bed and walk with Toni & Jughead to the Southside to the Whyte Wyrm, Jughead sat them on the counter saying. "Stay there we'll be back." Then he & Toni walk upstairs to FP's office closing the door behind them.

The next day at school, Mr. Whetherbee walked out of his office seeing every kid at Riverdale high wearing serpent jackets and Archie told him off before Mr. Whetherbee said. "Get to class." The serpents & other ppl from Southside high cheer going to class, Cheronica hugged Jughead & Toni tightly making them laugh & smile before Jughead said. "Now we're together all the time now 24/7." "Good, that's the way it should be." The girls said as they hugged him tightly.

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