Saturday morning pt11

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I rolled over to find an cold and empty bed. I was ever so slightly hung over from last night, thankfully Jackie never noticed. Jonny however wasn't since he had volunteered to watch lyra so I could have a drink. My head ached and my eyes burnt by the bright lights

"Go give mummy a kiss" jonny said walking in and putting lyra on the bed. She crawled over to me and gave me a big slobbery kiss before laughing

"You're very cheerful this morning" I smiled tickling her stomach

"Ye well, she's happy her uncle pusface is staying. Shame though, thought we'd finally got rid of him" jonny sighed getting back into bed

"Oh shush. You were missing him before he even left and you know it!" I said playfully hitting his chest

"Spose" he groaned and I just laughed at his denial. He would never admit it, but he loved Adam and would hate to see him leave

"Has my baby had her breakfast?" I asked lifting lyra over my head and bringing her down for a kiss

"Well...funny story...I went to give her breakfast but she just threw it at my face so I decided to wait until she was happier. Seems alright now" jonny said making me laugh

"Aww...did you throw food at daddy? Did you? Ay? Cheeky monkey" I asked lyra but she just continued grinning

"Fwuck" she hiccuped making our smiles drop. smile drop. We had both agreed to not laugh when she says it, otherwise it will make her say it more. But jonny was struggling with that. He was trying to stifle his laughter but failing miserably

"Just leave...just leave" I gave up and he hurried out the room but I could still hear his laughter in the hallway

"You can't say that lyra. Its very bad word" I scolded her, setting her down on my chest. I knew she wouldn't understand but atleast she tried. So long as Jackie doesnt hear, I'm sure we'll be fine

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