Saturday morning pt3

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I heard someone whispering my name and shaking me slightly. It took a few seconds for me to realise where I was and who it was.

"Morning babe" I said to jonny as I rolled over to face him. We had slept last night spooning. Me being little spoon.

"What's wrong?" He asked me. I was confused as I just woke up so hadn't quite managed to process the emotion of sadness yet

"What do you mean?"

"Last night, you seemed anxious about something" he kissed my forehead.

"I am just confused honey" I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I got a message yesterday morning. Ya know what, it will be easier to show you" I said motioning to my phone. It was on his bedside table as I sat on his lap last night in his space on my phone. He grabbed it and did the pass code. We both know eachothers pass codes. Not because we are insecure or worried. But we often ask the other person to check an email or message. He wrapped one arm around me as he looked at the message from unknown number

Hi. You probably won't remember me. And if you do, then you won't know of the new me. I should probably introduce myself. I'm Gina Spencer. Your mother. I was hoping we could meet up and I could explain. I got this number because I saw your tattoo shop and your number is on the flyers. I hope you will give me a chance x

Jonny read it but I looked away. I knew it word for word and didn't need to burden myself with the guilt again.

"Do you know what you are gonna do?" He asked me.

"No idea. Help" I said looking up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Hey hey. Shh. Don't cry. Its fine. How about this. You text her back and arrange to meet her somewhere and then you can find out what happened. If you don't want to see her again then don't. But you will regret not seeing her when it's too late" he told me. There was something I hadn't told jonny. Or anyone. I remembered my mother. I saw her as a kid on visits but never informed the goodmans as it scared me incase I got attached to her or them.

"She is cruel jonny"

"You remember?" He seemed shocked

"When I was in foster homes, we would have visits. 6 visits a year. But alot of the time she would miss them. And she got custody of me when I was 14. It was the day we kissed. She only had custody for a week before before services realised she wasn't fit to be a mother"

"That's why I didn't see you for a week? I thought you were avoiding me because of the kiss" he said sounding worried.

"She didn't let me see you. And she hit me and she was high constantly. She had a boyfriend. He hit me aswell. That's why i was taken from her when I was 2. Because of the beatings" he seemed tense and angry.

"I'm so sorry I didn't do anything" he told me with tears in his eyes.

"Don't be. It's not your fault baby. I will message her saying thanks for the offer. But no" he nodded and handed me my phone as I messaged her. Me and jonny spent the rest of the day cuddling and kissing. He said I needed the rest after the stress of the message. He wasn't wrong.

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