Saturday morning pt2

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When I woke up, I was In alot of pain. Jonny heard me whince in pain and immediately got out to get me some pain killers. I sat up in bed as he gave me the pills and lay with his head on my lap.

"You OK baby?" He asked.

"Ye. But my hatred for a Hitler look alike has increased" I said as he chuckled.

"I'm sorry. I know it hurts" he said. I bent down and kissed him on the lips.

"Not your fault. Hopefully we will never have to see that awful man again" he nodded in agreement. It was a comfortable silence for 5 minutes before jonny asked

"Can you still have sex?"

"Oh my god" I whined loudly

"What? I just wanna know"

"Is that really what you are thinking right now?" I was shocked.

"I always think that when I'm with you" he admitted. Sweet but ridiculous.

"Fine. Yes I can have sex as long as I don't use my arm." The grin on his face was priceless. He sat up and kissed me softly

"But not right now" I told him. He looked at me with a sad face.

"We have to be somewhere" I said.

"Where?" He asked

"I said I would pick my sister up from Saturday detention and since I can't drive, you have to take me" I said smiling. He rolled his eyes but got up to get ready. My sister was 16 and i usually pick her up from detentions on Saturdays. Jonny never comes but this time he had no choice.

"Jonny. You gonna have to help me shower" I told him. I don't think I have seen him so happy. He got me undressed and himself and then we stepped into the shower. He helped my wash as I could quite reach everywhere and it still hurt to move alot.

"You should break your arm more often"

"If you still wanna sleep in the bed tonight them you should shut up" I warned. And he did. We got out but not before he left me a few hickeys on my breasts and my neck. Me and jonny both have tattoos but only me and him know about them. His mum would go mental. We have king and Queen tattoos on our chest. Jonny likes mine as it sits right on the side of my breast and he finds it really hot.

But on chest

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But on chest

We got dressed and drove to pick my sister up. When she came out, she was surprised to see jonny but even more surprised when she saw my cast.

"Oh my god. How you do that?" She asked

"Evil Hitler look alike" jonny said.

"Fair fucks" she said as she got in the car. My sister was a pain and she was constantly round ours. She wasn't my biological sister. We were with the same terrible foster family for 3 years. She was 4 and I was 9 when we left. But we went in the same group home until we both moved out. So I treat her like a sister.

"Jonny?" She said

"Ye rox" her name was roxy

"Learn to drive next time" she said which caused me to choke back a laugh and jonny to roll his eyes. My sister ladies and gentlemen.

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