Baby goodman

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I know some people might say rest after you have a baby. But unless you have had one, then you don't realise. The pain has almost completely passed after a few hours so it is easy to go out. The day I was born, my mum took us to a party.

Thursday night, i had given birth to a gorgeous baby girl. Lyra Anne Goodman. I went into labour on Wednesday night and the baby only came at half 10 Thursday. I left hospital early this morning. Despite just giving birth, I felt alright. We couldn't stop staring at our gorgeous baby girl and we knew Jackie would be thrilled to have a girl. We havnt informed out family that I went into labour since we wanted to surprise them. And since it was Friday, now was a better time than any.

Lyra Anne Goodman

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Lyra Anne Goodman

"She's amazing" jonny said looking at her. We were both just staring at at not knowing what to do with her.

"She really is. You ready to tell your family" I said looking at him. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss

"Can't back out now" he said. I got lyra from her cot, trying not to make her cry in the meantime. Jonny got the car ready and got her bag full of just everything. It looked like we had packed for a weeks holiday. We drove the car, jonnys hand on my thigh and when we got to the house, we saw Adams car pull in. We got out and instead of walking to the door, I walked to the back seat and opened the door. Jonny went to the boot and got all the bag

"What's going on?" Adam asked. I undid her carrier and lifted it up so she was facing adam.

"Is that....oh my god. She's adorable. Sure she's pissfaces kid?" Jonny slapped him round the back if the head as we walked in

"Mum is gonna freak out" Adam said.

"We know" we said in unison. Jackie came and greeted Adam and then jonny. I stood behind with lyra in the carrier. She went to hug me but stopped and started crying

"I have a granddaughter" she said quietly so not to disturb lyra. Jackie helped me carry her in to the the living room where Martin was sat shirtless.

"Evening bambinos. Bambina" he said not even noticing the baby

"Dad? Notice someone?" Jonny said. Martin looked around before noticing the baby

"Babysitting?" He asked serious.

"No Martin. This is you granddaughter" Jackie sat on the sofa so jonny got lyra out of the carrier and handed her to Jackie.

"Hello darling. Whats your name ay?" She asked in a baby voice.

"Lyra Anne Goodman" jonny said proudly. Jackie grabbed my hand and looked at me and jonny

"Thank you. My first grandchild" Adam had a hold next and then Martin until finally, she was in my arms, with jonny arms around me.

"Why didnt you mention anything?" Jackie said

"It was Wednesday night when I went to the hospital. She was born Thursday night and since we knew I wouldn't be out until this morning, we thought we would surprise you" I said

"Well it's a surprise alright" Martin said as he cooed over the baby in my arms.

"Uncle pussface. Sounds good" I teased Adam.

"She is not calling me uncle pussface" Adam said sternly.

"She is" me and jonny said at the same time. Our baby girl can do anything she wants if it annoys Adam.

"Shit. The dinner" Jackie said as she went into the kitchen. She had been so happy that she forgot about the dinner entirely. Lyra was fast asleep on jonnys chest by the time dinner was ready. He very carefully handed her to me and I started holding her as I ate my dinner. There was a knock on the door. Adam and jonny raced to open it but I didn't want to disturb lyra. Moments later, jonny and Adam walked in with Jim and Wilson behind.

"Wilson" I called. Jim let go of the lead and Wilson came and sat next to me as I stroked his head.

"Is that...a baby?" Jim asked cautiously.

"Yes Jim. She is called lyra. Mine and jonnys" I told him with a proud smile on my face. Jim came closer and looked at lyra

"Lyra? She is very nice" Jim said as he hesitantly grabbed Wilson lead

"Can we help you jim?" Martin asked

"Nooo" he dragged on. Then he walked out of the house. Which was unusual. Even for Jim.

"Is Jim high?" Adam asked earning a slap from Jackie

"More than usual?" Jonny added on. I chuckled as we continued to eat. Just ad Jackie was clearing the plates away, lyra started to cry loudly. I tried to rock her and shush her but it didn't work so I took her into the kitchen and fed her a bottle. But she just spit it back up and continued to cry. She didn't need changing and wasn't hungry so I didn't know what was wrong.

"Aw. Poor baby" Jackie said as she got the crimble crumble

"Jackiiieee. Help meee" I whined. She rushed over to me and took lyra, trying to calm her down. Everyone came in to see what was taking so long. We all tried to rock, feed and burp lyra but nothing seemed to work. We cuddled with her and gave her attention but that didn't work either.

"Why won't she stop crying?" I asked. I was on the verge of tears but Jackie just sat next to me as I leant my head on her shoulder

"She is just tired my love." I nodded trying to convince myself but it was a struggle to hold in the tears. She was my daughter and I couldn't stop her suffering. I just couldn't do it. We ate crimble crumble and stayed for another hour before getting in the car to go home. I was exhausted and lyra was still crying after all these hours. But on the car journey home, it went silent. I looked behind to see her fast asleep in her car seat.

"She's asleep" I whispered thankfully. Jonny rubbed my leg as we pulled into our drive. We got out and he picked lyra up carefully. He got her dressed and put her to bed without any crying whilst I lay on the bed exhausted.

"Hey honey" jonny said as he lay down next to me. He put his head in my bra covered breast and his arms around my waist as we fell asleep to the sound of silence.

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