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I got my cast off today which I was so happy about. But jonny was annoyed as he now had no reason to share a shower with me. He chirped up when i told him we can still shower together and do more in there. We got out the car knowing we were later than usual so Adam had beat us. When we opened the door, we immediately heard loud sobs coming from the room.

"Val" we said in unison looking at eachother.

"Hello bambino. Bambina" Martin said walking in.

"Warm?" I asked sarastically

"Boiling" he answered. Then we heard another sob escape vals mouth

"Martin. Will you make val a drink" Jackie said coming in to greet us.

"Bloody val" he said storming off.

"How is your arm love?" Jackie asked.

"Perfect. Wouldn't even know it broke" I replied. She stroked my hair before walking off to join val. We went into the kitchen not wanting to run into val. Jonny sat on the worktop whilst I stood inbetween his legs.

"Pissface. Shitface" Adam greeted. He gave me a hug which I returned.

"Aunty val won't stop crying" he said rolling his eyes. I got the cream from the fridge and squirted some in my mouth and then jonnys.

"Disgusting" Adam muttered.

"Adam" Martin said as he came to finally make the drinks.

"Yes dad"

"Any females?" I loved this conversation. Always put a smile on my face. I looked at jonny to see him smirking

"Ye go on pussface. Tell us about your female" I encouraged.

"Well there is a female actually" he said.

"What" me and jonny said at the same time.

"You have a female. When we meeting her?" Jonny asked

"Er...never" he replied.

"Well make sure you have loads of nippy nippy while you can. I mean, me and your mother still have regular nippy nippy but it's not the same with my bad back" he said. We all just stared at him hoping that we would forget what he said.

"Didn't need to hear that" jonny muttered.

"Your brother and y/n have regular nippy nippy. Alot of the time in this very house" my eyes widened and Adam left the room.

"How would you know?" I asked

"Well your not very quiet. And we went to drop something off the other day at yours and even I heard your moans. It was a Monday morning" me and jonny left the room. Even listening to val was better than this.

"Hi aunty val" we said with sad faces.

"Hi lovely" she said crying.

"Larry's left me. He's fucking left me" she yelled, mascara running down her face. Jackie was trying to comfort her but we were not good at this.

"Can I speak with you 3 in my office" Martin said as he walked in. We assumed he meant us so we went to his office. Or as most people call it, the bog.

"What have you done this time?" Adam asked.

"Now you can't tell Jackie and definitely not val"

"Go on.." jonny said slowly.

"I've got shit on vals bag" none of us answered. This was weird even for martin

"W...w..h...what?" I needed more context.

"Well I did a shit in the toilet but it was so big it wouldn't flush. So I got toilet paper and picked it up but u dropped it in vals bag. And she took her bag before I could get it out" he explained. We all burst out laughing earning a clip round the ear from Martin.

"It's not funny. I need you to take vals bag for me and I will get the shit out" we just left the bog not agreeing nor disagreeing. Couldn't we have one normal Friday?

"Actually i need to use the bog" I said turning around and going in the toilet. When I locked the door, i sat on the seat with my head in my hands. I was worried. And nervous. I had received a message from a number i didn't recognise and it was freaking me out. I didn't know how to reply or what to do but it was this morning and I can't stop thinking about it. After I had calmed down, i went out and joined everyone round the dining table. That's when val screamed. We looked to where she was looking and saw Jim in the window

"Hello all"

"Hi jim" we replied.

"We are eating dinner jim" Jackie said.

"You look nice Jackie. And you y/n" he was nice and I did feel bad for him sometimes.

"Thanks. Could you come back later jim?" I asked

"Yes. I just wanted to tell you that the window is open" we all stared at him confused as to why we needed to know and he walked off. I got up to close the window and locked it just to be safe. When I sat back down, Martin kicked under the table and tilted his head to under the table where vals bag is. Bugger

"Aaaa" I screamed. Everyone looked at me.

"Rat. Massive rat" that made val and Jackie stand on their chairs and I gave the boys a look.

"I will take your bag in there aunty so the rat does get it" Adam said. Aunty val didn't even realise he had taken it as jonny searched for a pretend rat. I joined Adam and Martin in the kitchen as he tried to get rid of the shit

"Jesus Martin." I said as he held it too close for comfort.

"It's only nature"

"Nature that's just come out of your arse" I reminded him. He went to take it out with a spoon when he tripped and fell. The shit ended up in the crumble. And the crumble was on the floor. Oh no. Jackie and val walked I'm after jonny claimed he found the rat.

"My crumble" Jackie said as she bent down to get the prices of glass from the dish.

"Crimble crumble" jonny said sadly. I wrapped my arms around his waist as Jackie and martin tried to clean up. But then Jackie let out a shrill scream. That could only mean one thing. She had found the shit.

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