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"Just like that huh?" He slipped his arm around her, pulling her into his lap.

"Chantelle vouched for you. She told me that wasn't fair because you hadn't done anything."

"My nigga Chanteezy." He laughed, resting his head on her shoulder. "You still wanna block me?"

"I dunno. You athletes make me nervous."

"It's just a job, baby. I travel for work." He said kissing her shoulder. "We FaceTime every night we're not together. You watch me play every other day. I'll never be unaccounted for."

She nodded her head and pulled another card. White. "Do you think there's a such thing as a harmless lie?"

"No. No lie is harmless, to me."


He pulled his next card, red. "How old were you when you lost your virginity?"

"Seventeen. Prom night, ugh." She said, quickly, cringing.

"I was 15. My momma wasn't home. The opportunity presented itself. I instantly regretted it." He chuckled.

"Why'd you regret it?"

He sighed, "You betta not laugh at me but... that shit wasn't special. I thought for the first time, we was gon take our time wit each other figurin' out what's right." He sucked his teeth, "The girl just wanted to get fucked, so I did it and sent her on her way."

Sabrina shrugged her shoulders, looking back at him, briefly, "Can't make love to someone you're not in love with." She pulled another card, moving along as if what she just said didn't mean anything.

She and Amir had made love, many times. So if she believed that, then she knew what they both were. She read the question, on the red card "What are your love languages?"

Amir smiled, "Physical touch and quality time."

"I figured that," She smiled and kissed him, "Mine are words of affirmation, physical touch, and quality time."

Amir hummed in agreement, "I knew that too." He pulled another card, "Do you believe in astrological compatibility?" his eyebrows dipped, "big ass words." He laughed at himself.

"I think so." She answered. "I think a lot of astrology stuff fits everyone, but certain ones are too accurate for me. Like, I'm a Cancer and you're a Taurus. We're an almost perfect match, by their logic but I don't want to let our signs be what determines us."

"I agree."

Sabrina pulled another card, "What's your middle name and does it have meaning?"

Amir started chuckling before he could start his sentence, "My middle name is Sonny, my momma named me that because her favorite soap opera character."

"Sonny... ooh Sonny Corinthos?" Sabrina gushed. "Okay, mama's got some taste." she giggled. "My middle name is Rosalee, it means beautiful rose. That's why roses are my favorite."

"Sabrina Rosalee Lewis," Amir said her full name aloud making Sabrina feel butterflies.

"Amir Sonny Walker." His name fell from her lips, as she looked him in the eyes.

She didn't know if it was the shots of whiskey, or the heat of the moment, as she turned her body and kissed him. His hand trailed up her back and laid her down as they got deeper, forgetting their game completely.

She lifted his shirt and he raised his arms so she could pull it over his head then she pulled off her own. His mouth went directly for her nipples. Sabrina whimpered gently as he kissed and sucked on her exposed skin, pulling down her pants, and leaving her in just her panties as he hovered above her.

"Hang on," He whispered before getting up from the floor and running upstairs. He returned in record time, with rubbers in hand. He ripped one off the bundle and threw the rest on the couch. He pulled off his sweats and boxers and slid the contraceptive in place before getting back down on the rug with Sabrina and pulling off her panties.

The fireplace crackled next to them as Amir slowly sowed himself deep in her wet depths, "Shit, girl." He groaned in her ear, sending her over the edge with precise movement.

He took his time, kissing, stroking, and loving on the woman. Sabrina loved every minute of it.

"You are everything, Sabrina," he said in her ear, running his hand up and down her thigh as their middles met. He used his free hand to hold both her hands above her head, as he kissed her neck and face. "So perfect."

"Amir, I—" her sentence died out, and her body convulsed under him. His tongue invaded her mouth tasting her moans, as he thrusted through her orgasm.

When she calmed down, with graceful hands, Amir lifted her body from the floor and placed her in his lap before laying back, letting her be on top.

Sabrina found her comfort and eased down until she was fully seated. Slowly, she rocked back and forth with her eyes squeezed tight.

Amir placed his hands on her hips and lifted her body so he could move his hips underneath her. Her mouth fell open and she panted releasing small pleasure-induced whimpers, "Does that feel good baby?" He asked, lowly. He was getting close, but he wanted one more from her before he finished.

She nodded her head, as her eyebrows scrunched up, "Dammit it feels good." She said through gritted teeth catching a rhythm. He used his thumb to massage her clit as she rode him faster.

"I'm so fucking close," she groaned. She leaned her body forward and braced herself with her palms on the rug on the sides of Amir's head as she rode out another orgasm. He wrapped an arm around her back and guided her to it as they came together and laid there catching their breath.

"I love you, Sabrina." He whispered into her hair as her head rose and fell with his breathing as she rested comfortably on his chest. Opening one eye to peek up at his face, she looked at him, his skin glowing in the light of the fire. "Judge me all you want for feeling like this, but I'm all yours," he confessed.

And he meant every word.

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