* BAD DAY *(Darren liang)

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i sat staring at the ceiling as tears run down my cheeks, i look at the text again and started crying hard. i was scrolling tru my phone when suddenly i receive a text from my brother who was at the hospital taking care of my sick father, he been sick for several weeks and it gotten worse and worse but everything change when my brother texted me saying my father died

i close my phone and wear my hoodie then i quickly went out to the hospital. when i got to the hospital i saw my brother sitting on one of the bench putting his head down low. i went up to him and he look up at me, his face was red his eyes was puffy. he quickly got up and hug me, i just hugged him back and we both cried in each other embrace. then suddenly the nurse came out and ask for my brother to sign some documents

i decided to go to the park nearby because i needed the fresh air especially because of what just happen, i just coudnt process it in my head it happen too fast. not only because of my fathers death stress me out but also because of school, i been starving and not sleeping because theres an exam coming and i just coudnt get off the book. i walk over to the swings and sit down.

i start to push myself with no strength at all, staring into the darkness of the park when suddenly i heard someone sitting down on the swing beside me, i turn my head to face them and to my shock it was my crush. he seem to have a pretty bad day too

"hey y/n.." he give me a weak smile and drop his head down low 

"didnt know you be here" i stand up reaching out a hand for him. he gasp onto it hesitantly and i take him to the empty grass as i lay down so did he and we both just stare at the stars. no one said anything until

"why are you here?" i said looking at the stars then i turn my head to him just to meet his beautiful but empty dark brown eyes. 

"i just needed some fresh air because im stress about school, how about you?" he said looking back at the stars 

"my dad died so i was just at the hospital there and i came out to take some fresh air" i look back at the stars and i could feel his eyes on me, he then suddenly hold my hand i was shocked but i hold his hand back and i could feel myself smiling

"im sorry for your loss" he said and i didnt say anything, now it just awkward silence no one say anything but i still can feel his eyes on me. then we both just start talking about random things, that night it was full of laughter and talking. after an hour of talking  i get up and so did he, i clean myself up and smiled at him

"thank you darren" i said smiling at him, he look up staring at me

"for what?" he ask while looking at me

"for everything"  he hold my hand kissed my forehead and start walking away. i stare at him shocked as he walk away, i smiled at myself and just start walking back to the hospital



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