* IM SO LUCKY THAT I MET YOU *(Ryan nguyen)

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You were sitting at the couch when suddenly you heard the front door open, A smile appeared on your face and you quickly jump from the couch running to the front door knowing its my boyfriend Ryan nguyen. You guys been together for almost 2 years and you both love each other alot.

"Hey babe how was work?" You asked while giving him a hug

"it was good" he say smiling and hugging you back.

"lets eat together i cooked your favorite dish" you say helping him with he's coat.

"YAY ima go wash my hand" he say smiling and running toward the bathroom like a toddler. You can't help but smiled seeing him running while smiling, "i have the cutest boyfriend ever" you whispered to yourself while walking to the table getting the food ready.

Then suddenly you felt two skinny arms hugging me from behind you smiled knowing who it is, you turn around and kiss he's cheek but he just stare at you. He take your hand and roll your sleeve revealing the cuts you made just before he got back. You look at him shocked

"ho- how you know?" You looked down

"i saw a knife in our bathroom" he say holding my hand and kissing my cuts that are still pretty fresh, you closed your eyes when ryan kissed your cuts

"im sorry ryan..i know that i say i wont do it again" tears start running down your cheeks as he hugged you.

"y/n pls dont do this anymore..i dont want to lose you, i love you." You look up and your heart clenched seeing him cry. You quickly hold he's cheeks and kiss him

"im sorry ryan i promise and this time im being for real, i will never do this again. i love you sm ryan i dont know what im gonna do without you. i probably be dead if i didnt met you.." he look up, his eyes was red and puffy so was yours. He didnt say anything and hug you tight, you hug him back and you guys stayed like that till he carry you to the couch and you both end up cuddling

im so lucky that i met you<3   You whispered to him before falling asleep

(385 words)

NSB/THE DUO(ARNY AND DANNY)  ONE SHOTWhere stories live. Discover now