Chapter 1

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Living in Michigan is truly my favourite thing. Hot summers, Cold winter, and the best people. By the  best people I mean the Hughes brothers and my Best friend Hudson. I grew up with the Quinn, Jack, and Luke because of our moms. Ellen and my mom played for the U.S.A women's national team together and they became best friend's and they are like 2 peas in a pod.

When your mom has a best friend with sons all around you age you are bound to become friends. I was always closest to Luke. Me and him just click. We have the same humor, the same idea. Sometimes I think that boy can read my mind. I tell him everything like everything. He knows all of my crushes ( that list mostly includes Quinn), all of my friends, my deepest darkest secrets, when I got my period, and literally everything about me.

Then theirs Quinn. He was always closer to my older sister but I loved this boy. I have had the biggest crush on this boy since I was 10. It all started when he helped me with my math homework and was so patient with me and explained it a million different way until we found one that made sense to me. Which was what made me fall so hard for that boy. But according to Luke he sees me as his little sister. I think this year it will change or at least I hope so. I going to be a senior in high school. I'm going to mature and start to live life a little. And I think that will help with him not seeing me as a little kid.

Finally their is Jack. Me and Jack are the same age. That's pretty much all we have in common. Me and Jack are not close. Well not anymore. Me and Jack were inseparable when we were little. We did everything together. We walked to school every morning, we played with each other at recess, we liked the same things, I even played on the same hockey team as him. But that all changed freshmen year. I honestly don't even know what happened. He just turned into a stone cold bitch around me. Everyone was telling me how he is so sweet and so nice he was and how they don't understand how I hate him but that year he was a complete and total dick to me. And I had no clue why. So I stopped trying at our friendship and just let it die. If he wanted to be friends again he has to try at our friendship first.

July 1st
We just had a 2 hour car ride up the Hughes cabin for the rest of summer. Today was a Hughes/Stoll family boat day. These are my thing to do in summer. Your not allowed to come unless you last name is Hughes or Stoll. That mean no friends, girlfriends, boyfriends. Just us.

This summer has been my favourite. I had this huge glow up and I finally grew into my body. Which this had officially made me the hottest girl in Plymouth (according to the Plymouth students instagram) which I think is bazaar and untrue but it does make me feel good about myself. I mean who wouldn't. With finally growing in to my body I can feel confident in a bikini. Today would be the first day Quinn would see me in a bikini. Which I hope will be the  first time he wouldn't see me as his little sister. I had bought some cheeky bikinis this summer but I just don't think that would be very family friendly and suitable for tubing and wakeboarding, so I went with a more covered but still a little cheeky white bikini. I also put on light denim shorts, An AC/DC oversized graphics tee, and my Birkenstocks.

My parents had left earlier this morning to help Jim and Ellen put the boat in the water so I was
driving to the lake with Quinn and his brothers. The one thing Quinn does every time I drive with him is he lets me have passenger seat always. No matter if he's with his friends and I'm with him I get the passenger seat. I find that so thoughtful. It makes my heart melt every-time.

Quinn had been in Vancouver for the past couple months with hockey. Which means this is the first time he has seen me since my "big glow up" and I'm very excited to see what he has to say. I walked out my front door of my house to cross the street to the Hughes house. I walked inside and ran right to Luke's room.

"LUKEY!!!!!" I screamed jumping onto his bed to find a sleeping Luke

"Holy what's with the energy this morning" he's says still half a sleep

"Well it is my favourite days of the family boat day! And I missed you so much!" I say in a exited tone

"Right. I forgot about that" he says

"How could you forget about that! It's literally a perfect day" I say crawling under his sheets to cuddle him.

"Well then let's get up and start the "perfect day" he said mocking me

As I was about to snap back at him with a fire roast we got interrupted by the one and only Quinn. Hughes.  He looked like he was about to go off at Luke but then he saw me. He ran over to give me and hug. I hugged that boy like I had never hugged anyone. I missed him. As he  lets go of me he looks at me and smiles make my heart skip a million beat.

"Look who finally grew up" Quinn say laughing at how slow I matured.

"You must have stumped my growth because as soon a you left I grew up" I said

He looked at me laughing at my joke. I made QUINN HUGHES LAUGH. WHAT IS LIFE. My sister was the one to always make him laugh not me!

"So where is Caden?" Quinn asked. Of course he had to wreck my moment with him to talk about my sister

"Oh she's is still in Miami with all of her friends for a girls summer, she will be back at the beginning of August" I said to him in annoying tone that just slipped out

"Oh okay I was just wondering if we had to wait for her since she wasn't here"

At this point I was mental face planting at myself for letting my annoyed tone slip out

We had finally got everyone out of the house and we were on the way to the lake. I was ready for this perfect day ahead of me.

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