lIf it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob" Bella says and we all smiled at that as I sat down the tray Rosalie says "Okay, fine, that one's not awful. Why don't you tell him the girl's name?" " I was playing around with our moms' names. Renee and Esme. And l was thinking...Renesmee" this makes Edward and Johnny laugh causing me to gently smack my husband.

"Too weird?" Bella asks "No, that's not too weird,
it's beautiful, and it's unique, which certainly fits the situation. I like Renesmee" Edward says "He likes it" Bella says to Rose before looking at the rest of us for our answers. Leah cringed and says "I'm sorry....but I don't like it" Bella seems disheartened by this and turns to me "Ari...?"

I cringe and say "I love the idea of using the grandmother's names..." "But you're not completely sold on Renesmee?" Bella asks and I nod "Why do they have to be combined? Renee Esme or Esme Renee is lovely..." I added and Bella developed a thoughtful look before saying "Edward's biological mother's name is Elizabeth..."

My face lit up and I said "Elizabeth Renee or Elizabeth Esme?" Bella smiled and said "I like Elizabeth Esme better" Leah spoke up and said "I second that!" Rosalie added "Me three!" And Jake added "Me four!" We then turned to look at Edward who had a distant look on his face "Elizabeth Esme...." He suddenly developed a ghostly smile as if remembering a sad memory and venom filled his eyes "I love it" he whispered.

Alice suddenly clapped her hands and said "It's settled then! Baby Edward Jacob or Elizabeth Esme Cullen!" I chuckled and walked over to set Bella's tray down on the coffee table but froze when she asked "Do have any names picked out for your baby?"

Johnny and I exchanged looks before I answered "Well, Johnny's been no help in that department-" Johnny suddenly jumped in and said "Adonis is a great name!" I gave him a look "I am not naming our kid after one of your aunt's ex-lover. It'd be like naming your son after one of your uncle's or gods forbid your grandfather!" He grumbled but agreed and I turned back to Bella and said "I actually had the same idea as you in naming them after family members..."

Bella's face lit up and she asked "Which ones? Are we gonna have another Charlie and Melissa pairing? Oh! What about Charlotte and Melissa! Twins run in the family you know!" Her enthusiasm made me giggle and I said "I know. I was thinking Melissa Diana or John Arthur Curry-Prince" Bella smiled and said "Those are beautiful!"

She then reached for her food attempting to go around her belly which put the baby at an awkward angle causing them to move. The movement accidentally caused a loud snap to occur which made Bella cry out and collapse on the ground. Just before her head could hit the ground Edward caught her.

Everything moved quickly after that. Edward and Rose sped Bella into the hospital room in the house "Rosalie, pass the morphine" Edward ordered and she obeyed "Ari!" Bella whimpered out "I'm right here Bella" I said as I reached out for her hand and grasped it.

"Carlisle said the placenta must have detached" Alice said as she was on the phone with him "He's coming as fast as he can, but..." Alice starts and Johnny finishes "We'll have to do it" I gave him a panicked look "She needs a c-section! We don't have the medical expertise for that!" "Rose! Let the morphine spread!" Edward protested

I turn around to see Rose holding a scalpel "There's no time! He's dying!" She argued "Get him out now!" Bella pleaded "Aria! Please! Get him out! Save him!" Bella begged.

I screwed my eyes shut and tried to think before saying "Alice, Johnny get warm water and a station ready for a baby. Leah, Jake hold her arms and legs down. Edward talk to Bella and distract her, whatever you do don't let her fall asleep. Rose you're with me" I said giving them all assignments since I had to be the level headed one in this situation.

Everyone nodded and did as told. I yanked up Bella's t-shirt and grabbed a marker "Alright, we need to cut her from here to here" I marked down the line for a c-section on her lower stomach before turning around and digging through the medical supplies. Needle and thread, more morphine, gauze, iodine, and emergency venom. I whirled back around and immediately started spreading iodine everywhere as fast as possible and when I was done I looked at Rose and said "Do it."

"Look at me, Bella" Edward sweetly said as he cupped her cheek while Rose cut her open making Bella scream bloody murder. Suddenly Rose jerked back and looked at her bloody hand as her eyes turned black "Rosalie, don't!" I yelled as she dropped the scalpel and lunged for Bella.

Jake and Leah released Bella and grabbed Rose "Leah, get her out of here!" Jake snapped and she obeyed "Rosalie! Aria! Ow!" Bella wailed helplessly "We're right here Bella, just hold on!" I said and quickly tried looking for the scalpel "Save her! You've got to change her!" Jake demanded  "I can't, not while he's still in there! I got to get him out first!" Edward argued as he started helping look for the scalpel.

"Stay, Bella. Stay focused. Keep your heart beating" Jake said softly as Bella sobbed from pain and fear "No! He's suffocating!" Bella wailed causing me to halt my search and yell to Edward "We don't have time for this! Use your teeth!"

He hesitates before agreeing "Okay" he then rips Bella open larger than we needed, but it was a good then because I saw two sets of hands peaking out. Edward laughs when he realizes "Bella,..Bella we had twins!"

"Let me....let me hold them" Bella weakly asks, Edward and I obey and place them on her chest gently "EJ and Elizabeth... You're both so beautiful...." Elizabeth suddenly nips at Bella's collarbone. Not enough to break the skin, but enough to sting and make her groan. Hearing the sound from his mother EJ begins to cry "Hey, hey, it's okay. Mommy's okay" I coo sweetly to him as Edward scolds his daughter gently "Elizabeth, no, don't bite mommy."

"Bella? Bella? Bella!" Jake says in a panic causing us to look up and see the light slowly leave Bella's eyes "Jacob, Ariana, take the babies!" Edward says desperately and I quickly grab my nephew and hold him protectively to my chest, but Jacob argues "Keep that away from me!" This makes Elizabeth cry.

"Edward, I'll take her" Rose says appearing in the room "I promise I'm okay. Let me" she says and Edward quickly hands over Elizabeth. Rose and I leave the room to allow the duo to attempt to save Bella's life, and go downstairs to where Alice and Johnny set up a bathing station with diapers and clothes laid out.

Alice was in the process of making blood milk bottles while Johnny and Leah were frantically pacing about. Rose and I entered and immediately Leah and Johnny rushed to us asking how they could help we had them help us wash and dress the babies before settling them down in the living room to eat.

 Rose and I entered and immediately Leah and Johnny rushed to us asking how they could help we had them help us wash and dress the babies before settling them down in the living room to eat

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As we fed them the air shifted and I heard two loud thumps causing me to look up and see Jake and Leah on their knees looking at my niece and nephew with funny looks.

Edward came in covered in blood and looked at them "Bella's going to kill you when she wakes up" I looked at him in confusion and asked "What just happened?" He looked at me and said "Jake and Leah imprinted on Elizabeth and EJ."

I suddenly smiled and said "Oh? Is that all?" Then I handed EJ to Johnny and said "Here, practice" before grabbing Jake and Leah by the scruffs and saying "Let's chat outside shall we?" Edward immediately followed after me as Jake and Leah spouted excuses while Rose and Johnny exchanged fearful looks.

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