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Ariana's POVI swam in the icy depths of the Pacific Ocean, looking for pearls, and other gemstones like Serpentine and Peridot

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Ariana's POV
I swam in the icy depths of the Pacific Ocean, looking for pearls, and other gemstones like Serpentine and Peridot.

I sighed as peace overtook my being while I sifted through the sand and rocks. Occasionally I'd find something of value and stuffed it in my bag.

I felt something bump my shoulder and turned around to see a white-sided dolphin with a oyster in her mouth

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I felt something bump my shoulder and turned around to see a white-sided dolphin with a oyster in her mouth. I smiled "Thanks!" I said as she dropped it in my hand and let out a squeal before swimming away. I look back at the oyster that spat out the pearl and started wiggling to be set free. I swam down to a patch of sand and let him bury himself.

I decided that I should probably get back to shore, and I started to swim back. When I got back to shore, I went straight to the forest. I found a tree with a gym bag hanging from it.

I grabbed it and started to dry off and change into some clothes for school

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I grabbed it and started to dry off and change into some clothes for school.

When I finished I ran the towel through my hair again in an attempt to dry it more, and checked the time "Oh shit!" I was going to be late!

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

When I finished I ran the towel through my hair again in an attempt to dry it more, and checked the time "Oh shit!" I was going to be late!

I gathered my things and bolted to my car. I climbed inside and sped to school. I barely managed to get there on time. I threw my hair up in a ponytail as I climbed out, and quickly jogged inside. The day was boring and typical.

Jessica Stanley followed me around like a lost puppy in an attempt to befriend me, and not take a hint that I didn't like her. At all.

Teachers droned about their classes.

I snuck onto the roof to eat lunch privately.

The student body gossiped about my cousin's arrival tomorrow-


What the fuck?!

That's when I started paying attention to my fellow students. I even talked to Jessica, much to her joy. Apparently Bella decided to move herself up here to let her mother be happy with her new husband, and planned to stay for the remainder of the school year.

It was obviously a lie. Bella was probably forced to move up here by Renee, but didn't want to ruin her image.

I went home and texted mom to ask when she'd be home. Apparently she was coming home early because we needed to talk. I started cooking dinner and picked out a wine to go with it. I grabbed a bottle of cabernet sauvignon and set the table as my mom walked in.

 I grabbed a bottle of cabernet sauvignon and set the table as my mom walked in

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Right on time. Have a seat while I get the bread out of the oven" I said in a clipped tone. My mom froze at my tone and slowly sat down "You know..." she started as I set the basket on the table "Fork's is a small town. A small town full of loud mouths. Sadly, none of them were the mouth I wanted to hear it from."

My mom winced and said "Aria...." I shook my head "A heads up would've been nice at least" "I didn't find out until after you left this morning" my mom said defensively "If Bella had done, what she did to me as a child today. She'd be in prison for assault, harassment, distribution of child pornography, kidnapping, and attempted murder but because she was 9 years old she got off scott free!"

Mom buried her head in her hands "I know, but I swear, if I knew that she was coming then I would've tried to convince Charlie not to let her back. If he ignored me then I would've sent you to Maine for safety" I shakily sighed and rested my head in my hands "What do we do?" My mom looked at me and took one of my hands in hers and asked "What do you want to do?"

I looked at her with tears in my eyes then looked out the window "Forks is my home. Not Bella's. I'm staying, if she pulls anything then I'm pressing charges and I won't let them get dropped them like last time" she nodded and took both my hand in hers "Okay, we'll do this, together. I'll support you, and be on your side no matter what. I promise" I started crying in stress and fear.

My mom pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back.

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