Chapter 07

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Ariana's POV
Bella came back from Italy and was grounded which was perfect since she was on house arrest and therefore couldn't ruin our parents meeting dinner.

I anxiously flitted around the kitchen and fussed over my appearance at the same time.

I anxiously flitted around the kitchen and fussed over my appearance at the same time

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Johnny entered in his outfit and frowned at my jittery behavior.

Johnny entered in his outfit and frowned at my jittery behavior

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He walked up to me "Princess..." he wrapped his arms around me and said "Everything will be alright. Our parents are on a team together, there's no bad blood and nothing bad will happen" I nuzzled my face into his chest and murmured "I hope you're right" the front door suddenly opened and my mom hurried inside "Let me get dressed and your father and Mera will be here in 10!"

Johnny checked his phone and said "My mom will be here in 15" I gulped and quickly busied myself with food.

My dad, mom, Mera, Johnny, and I were seated in the living room. My mom and Mera were having lighthearted conversation while I sat with Johnny on one couch and my dad eyeballed me and him.

Thank gods the doorbell rang.

Johnny practically leapt to his feet and said "I'll get that, it's my mom" he suddenly leaned down and pecked my cheek before speed walking to the door. My dad's eyes narrowed "What was that?" Mera and my mom looked back and forth between us in amusement "One of the things we need to discuss tonight, something that you promised that you would be NICE about" I replied also narrowing my eyes.

"It's like watching someone look in the mirror" My mom comments "It is...." Mera replies earning looks from me and my dad.

Our attention is suddenly is suddenly shifted to the entryway where Johnny and his mom appears. My dad and her made eye contact......



"What are you doing here?!"

"What am I doing here?! This is my daughter's house! What are you doing here?!"

"Visiting my son! You have a daughter?"

"You have a son?!"

I cleared my throat "You're right on time, Ms. Prince, dinner's ready!" Diana looked at me and smiled "Oh, wow! You're beautiful! My son wasn't kidding when he said that you were gorgeous!" I blink and looked over at Johnny who was blushing "You talked about your mom?"

Johnny stammered and my wonderful stepmother decided to save him from his own throwing me under the bus.

"Oh please, like you didn't call me after school everyday for a month just to talk about this boy" Mera said with a smirk. Johnny suddenly smiled and asked "You talked about me?" I flushed and stammered before blurting out "We should go eat before dinner gets cold!"

I then sped walk into the kitchen and started making plates.

My mom came in and started helping me with them "I know you're nervous, but don't be

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My mom came in and started helping me with them "I know you're nervous, but don't be. I've known you're dad for a long time and I know his tells. He likes Johnny, even if he won't admit it, and he loves it when you're happy. Johnny makes you happy, right?" I nodded and she said "Then he'll love Johnny!"

I smiled and said "Thanks mom" and I hugged her. Johnny then walked in and asked "Can I help?" I pulled away and smiled him "Yeah, could you start serving plates, please?" He smiled and said "Sure, princess" he walked over and grabbed some plates, pecking my lips, before walking out.

I turned back to my mom only to see her smiling face "What?" I asked "Nothing. That boy just doesn't have to try and you get the honey glow" I blink and ask "The what?" My mom shrugged and said "The honey glow. Something your grandma used to was this facial expression that she'd give my dad and he'd give her. You just look so.....happy love."

I blinked again and flushed 'I didn't realize that my feelings were so...obvious' I shrugged it off and carried some more plates into the dining room.

We sat down and started eating. Johnny suddenly grabbed my hand and I squeezed his for comfort "So....we actually called you guys here for an announcement..." I started drawing attention to us. Johnny decided to just rip off the band aid off and said "We're dating."
















"I knew it!"-Mera and Diana.

*sips wine casually*- Mom.

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