Chapter 09

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Ariana's POV
When I woke up the next morning, I noticed three things.

First, my lower half was both sore and numb at the same time. It was weird and after remembering last night I decided that I didn't want to get into it.

Second I was no longer naked, but instead wearing one of Johnny's band tees.

And third I was alone

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And third I was alone.

I sat up wincing, and looked around "Johnny?" I called getting no response. I suddenly became insecure and tears welled up in my eyes as I thought 'Did he leave me...?' But before I could dwell on that thought and longer my bedroom door opened and Johnny wearing his sweats from last night and carefully walked inside carrying a breakfast tray.

?' But before I could dwell on that thought and longer my bedroom door opened and Johnny wearing his sweats from last night and carefully walked inside carrying a breakfast tray

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He looked up and saw that I was awake and teary eyed "Baby? Oh, baby I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to wake up alone" he then set the tray on my nightstand and sat on the bed with me and wrapped me up in his arms.

"You were gone, and I thought..." I sniffled and instantly felt guilty for doubting him. He nodded and rubbed my arms "I know. I tried to be quick so this wouldn't happen, but I had a little trouble with the toast and it just wouldn't bake. I didn't mean for you to wake up alone because I was worried this would happen, I'm so sorry" I shook my head and nuzzled him "It's okay.... I'm sorry for doubting you..."

He waves me off "I know, it's okay" he then grabs the tray and gently sets it on my lap "Eat up and I'll take you to the bathroom and get you cleaned up and we'll have a movie day" I give him a pouty face and ask "Can we watch 'The Proposal' and 'Definitely, Maybe'?"

He sighs "I don't understand you obsession with Ryan Reynolds....but I love you so I'll manage" I giggled and snuggled into him. We ate breakfast and like he promised he carried me to the bathroom and we took a bath together before we camped out in the living room and watch movies together.

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