Chapter 11

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Ariana's POV I threw on one of Johnny's flannels as I rushed to get ready

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Ariana's POV
I threw on one of Johnny's flannels as I rushed to get ready.

Johnny got ready and was watching me as well "So...we're really going to help Bella?" He asked making me glance back at him and say "We're helping her baby, she's just collateral damage" he nods with a thoughtful look on his face "She should've been more careful since she was sleeping with a vampire, this pregnancy is going to be hard and it'll likely kill her."

I look at him again. He obviously knew about vampires since his grandfather, Zeus, created them. He'd told me about them and told me that the Cullens were vampires and my first thought had been 'Typical Bella....always butting in and getting involved with the worst kinds of things.'

Now when she was dating Edward I thought she took a turn for the worst. I've counted at least eight times that Edward has gaslit her and nearly five that Bella has manipulated him, not to mention she's wound up in the hospital because of him and taking off to god knows where and giving Charlie a heart attack. Their relationship is toxic and now they're adding a child into the mix?

Dumb, dumb as hell.

At least she answered one question for me, vampire sperm doesn't turn you. Noted.

We climbed into my car and he drove me to the Cullens house.

We arrived at the Cullens and walked up the steps.

Dr. Cullen answered the door "Ariana, now's not a good time-" "Bella called me crying about how your son is trying to force her into an abortion. Now you have five seconds to move your glittery ass or I'll move you myself!" I snapped not interested in playing games. Johnny leant against the doorway and gave Dr. Cullen a look "I'd do as she says. In her condition her powers are enhancing rapidly" I side eyed him but said nothing.

Dr. Cullen moved out of the way quickly upon hearing that and we entered. We made our way to the living room which had been turned into a weird nest of sorts.

The couches were in a semicircle with blankets and pillows of varying sizes strewn about and a mattress was on the floor in front of the couch where Bella sat bundled up in blankets.

She looked awful to say the least. Her hair is in a knotted, nappy ponytail and she's lost at least 45 pounds of her skeletal figure was anything to go by.

Esme, Alice, and Jasper stood in a corner sort of huddled away as if frightened by the unborn child. Emmett was standing near the windows not far from Rosalie who stood guard over Bella. The final member of the Cullen family was sulking in another corner, but I ignored him as he's irrelevant.

I approached with caution, eyeing Rose, as Bella reached out for me reminding me of a child to its mother "Aria!" She cried out as I sat by her and allowed her to hug me. I wrapped my arms around her and mentally measured her. She was about 4 months pregnant in just four weeks. This was bad.....

I pulled away from her and said "I'm going to make you guys something to eat" making Edward scoff "That monster hasn't allowed her to eat anything we've given her, what makes you think that you can change that?" I glared at him and coldly said "Because I have far more knowledge of this subject than your bratty 117 year old ass does. So do everyone in here a favor and shut your negative mouth up, Edabitch."

My words made Emmett bust out laughing and astonished the rest. I stood up and pecked Johnny on the cheek "Can you explain things to them while I make something?" He nods and kisses me back before he sits in one of the chairs close to Bella while I go into the kitchen.

I decided that a berry protein smoothie with human blood and my crushed up prenatal vitamins would help her some.

I opened the fridge and surprise, surprised the vampires had their blood bags on full display. I grabbed them along with some raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries before closing the fridge and opening the freezer and getting some ice.

I was thankful that I brought my own prenatal protein powder and pills as I crushed up the pills and mixed the two powders in some milk and poured it into the blender on top of the ice and berry mixture.

After about 15 minutes of blending I decided that it was smooth enough poured it into a cup with a straw.

I walked back into the living room and sat down next to Bella and offered her the straw "Drink all of this then take a nap and when you wake up I'll cook you something more solid" she obeyed and downed the drink slowly at first, but then she becam...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I walked back into the living room and sat down next to Bella and offered her the straw "Drink all of this then take a nap and when you wake up I'll cook you something more solid" she obeyed and downed the drink slowly at first, but then she became more fervent as she drank "Bella! Bella! Slow down before you make yourself sick again!" I cautioned.

She reluctantly listened and slowed down. When she finished she wasn't nauseous but rather sleepy. She took to using me as a pillow and snuggled up onto my lap "Thank you, Ari" she whispered before falling asleep and holding onto my knee.

Seeing as I was pinned down and couldn't clean up my mess Esme decided to help me. She took the cup and everyone started to relax seeing Bella able to eat something. Johnny held my hand and I smiled to silently thank him for sticking by me, he returned my smile and peace fell over the Cullen household.













Of course Pussyassward still sulked in the corner but everyone ignored him.

Fork's little fish girlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ