Chapter 1

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Y/N's POV:

Gaege and I were chilling on the couch on our phones when he suddenly stood up in excitement. I looked up at him in confusion. 

"The boys and I are going to Australia in a week!" He yelled happily.

"Well, I guess I'll be on my own again." I replied letting out a sad sigh.

"You can come with us. You'll finally be able to meet Josh and Mully." He said and I smiled at him.

"Thanks Gaege! I'll also be able to try fairy bread." I replied and he just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. Anyway, I'll text the boys and let them know your coming too." He said excitedly. I nodded my head before running upstairs and going to my room to pack.

Gaege's POV: 

I turned my phone back on so I could text the boys to let them know Y/N was coming with us.

Ju: Hey boys! My sister is going to come to Australia with us.

E: Sweet! You're still coming to my house in two days right?

Ju: Yeah, of course!

M: Josh and I are looking forward to meeting Y/N.

Ju: Nice! Anyway, I got to go pack. Talk later!

E: Bye Juicy!

I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket before going upstairs to start packing. As I walked past Y/N's room I could hear her reminding herself what she needed to pack. I quietly laughed to myself before going into my room.

Eddie's POV:

I turned my phone off and looked around the house noticing how messy it was.

"Gabby! We need to clean the house!" I yelled and she rushed into the room

"Yeah, but why?" She asked as she looked around. 

"Because Gaege and his sister will be visiting before we go to Australia." I replied and she nodded her head.

"Alright. Let's start cleaning." She said as started picking stuff up. I put my phone down on the bench before helping her.

Mully's POV:

I went out of my messages so I could check the time. It was only 5am. I turned my phone off before tossing and turning for a few minutes trying to get into a comfortable position to sleep. When I realized I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep I quietly got up and went downstairs trying not to wake Josh. I sat down on the couch and started thinking about the boys and what we would do while they were visiting. Luckily Josh had been staying for a few days to help me get the house prepared. It was amazing to be spending some alone time with Josh before they rest of the boys arrived. I suddenly snapped back into reality when I heard Josh walking down the stairs.

Josh's POV:

I walked down the stairs and went into the loungeroom where Mully was just sitting on the couch looking at me as I walked in. For some reason I felt my face heat up. 

"Hey Mully! Did you tell the boys yet?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"Yup. Also, Juicy's sister will be coming as well." He replied and I smiled.

"Nice. I can't wait to meet Y/N in person." I said and he smiled causing my heart to flutter, which was strange so I just ignored it. He pulled me close to his chest and I blushed. Wait! Do I have a crush on Mully? 

"You alright Josh?" He asked as he let go of me. I just nodded my head.

"Y-Yeah. I'm just allergic to retards like you." I joked and he just rolled his eyes before going on his phone. (Also, no hate to Mully. It's just for the story line.)

Y/N's POV:

I finally finished packing so I slowly got up and stretched before going downstairs to make dinner for Gaege and I. Gaege came downstairs not long after to help me cook. After half an hour we had finally finished cooking so we sat down to eat.

"Did you finish packing yet?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah. Did you?" He questioned and I nodded my head.

"So, who else will I meet besides Josh and Mully?" I asked.

"Dose, Smashing, Liv. Possibly Lannan and Tanner." He replied and I smiled.

"I can't wait to go to Australia. Anyway, night Gaege." I said as I stood up and put my dishes in the sink.

"Goodnight Y/N." He replied before I went upstairs and went to bed.

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