Ch.1 "Headlights"

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And now, Jared Padalecki held the Winchesters at gunpoint.

Sam and Dean looked at each other. They had no clue where they were, or who this man is. But, he did have messy hair reaching his ears. He also had a beard. His whole image looked like he doesn't take care of himself. Ever since his Sam disappeared he was never the Same. He let himself go for the past month. He stopped working out, sneaking out to go run, and he barely eats.

"Who the Hell are you?" He growled.

"I'll ask you the same thing," Dean tightened his grip on the butcher knife.

Jared shook his head, "Those knives aren't even sharp. I didn't sharpen them in a long time."

They returned to silence until the younger Winchester spoke. "Okay, let's all put our weapons down."


Sam awoke to darkness and a drizzle. They looked up and saw a cloudless night sky, a perfectly round moon sat in the middle of the obsidian sky. Either this is one of their dreams or...

Sam then saw light shining on the concrete road. The source came from behind them. Then they heard the rumbling of an engine. They turned around, meeting with a pair of headlights and a scream.

Their body rolled on top of the dark red truck's hood. And then their body rolled back off and hit the ground. Their ears started to ring, their ribs throbbed in pain. Two doors slammed, and voices talked frantically. Through their blurry vision they saw a familiar face. But their eyes closed against their will.

Sam awoke for the second time, and again, Sam is alone. But in a hospital? The beeping sound from the monitors already started to bug them. Sam looked around the bright white room. A bald man with a graying beard sat in a chair in the corner. He was looking at them, he seemed surprised that they were awake. He opened his mouth to speak but another man walked in.

Sam shot up but then groaned in pain. Their lower ribs had the same feeling like they did earlier. Sam whimpered, staring at the man who looked just like Jared.

"Woah, hey, lay back down," He soothed.

Sam obliged, but not without reaching out for him. Sam stared at the man with awe, a little thought inside their head did it was Jared. But it wasn't, he would've been happy to see Sam again. He would be in tears. Sam sadly sighed, they looked back at the bald man in the corner. They recognized the man in the corner as Mitch Pileggi. The man took a chair and dragged it over by Sam's hospital bed.

"Hey, my name is Cordell Walker, I'm a Texas Ranger. Can I know your name?"

Sam whimpered, they tried to hide their face in the thin white blankets. Cordell chuckled, he gently yanked the blanket away. Sam whimpered again. Cordell sighed and looked over at his father. Bonham shrugged, making Cordell sigh again.

He turned back to Sam, "Look, do you remember what happened?" Sam showed no reaction. "Um, you were in the road, I didn't notice. My partner, Ranger partner, saw you. And I kinda hit you."

Sam grumbled. The memory was a blur, but they started to recall more. They must have gone to another world. What about Sam and Dean? More thoughts raced through their mind. But then another person walked in. Micki Ramirez. She warmly smiled when she laid her eyes on Sam.

"I see you're awake," The other Ranger chuckled.

Cordell awkwardly nodded, "Um, what's your name?"

Sam didn't respond. Instead, they looked around the room some more. Then they looked down at themself, realizing they were in a white hospital gown, and not in their dad's sweatshirt, or Sam Winchester's flannel. Sam whimpered and sat up again.

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