By the way... <3

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Sanji's P.O.V

"Oi cook, wake up." I heard Zoro whisper.

"Mmm. Give me a few more minutes." I whispered back.

"I would, but Luffy and Robin have been here for a while. Also Nami, Chopper and Usopp should be here soon." he said, shaking me a little.

"Fine~" I said, slowly getting out of bed.

"Good Morning~" Zoro gave me a soft kiss.

"Morning~" I gave him a passionate kiss.

We both smiled at each other for a while, and then he left the room in order to get into his normal daily clothing.

I decided to do the same, taking out my blue button up, and wearin my black suit over it. I took a hit of my cigarette, when I suddenly heard Nami, Chopper and Usopp yelling that they had returned to the Merry.

"Robin! We're back!" Nami was cheerful.

"Oh, how I missed you so much! Mwah!" Usopp gave Merry a loving greeting.

"Zoro! Sanji! We've returned" Chopper was excited to see us again.

I walked outside and greeted them all, followed by Marimo right behind me.

"Hey guys, welcome back. How was your stay at the hotel?" I asked.

"It was great! They had so much cotton candy there, and it was all free!" Chopper danced.

"I was able to get some materials to help fix the Merry and upgrade my bow. Sanji, this is for you." Usopp threw a box of cigarettes at me and I caught it.

"Thanks Usopp" I smiled, "What about you Nami-swan~?"

"I bought so much stuff, not only for me and Robin but I also got you all some clothes too!" Nami cheered.

"Hmm, well we got something for you all." Zoro vouched.

"Wait really?" Chopper asked.

"Well, I don't sense a lie" Usopp looked at Zoro.

"Haha, he's not lying. It's in the kitchen, let's go." I said, walking towards the kitchen.

Everyone followed me there, I opened the door to see that Robin and Luffy were already sitting down at the table. Usopp, Chopper and Nami sat down around the table to join Luffy and Robin.

Zoro stood in front of the fridge, and I went to grab the keys for the lock on it. Though, sudden panic piled up on me. It was time to tell them about our relationship.

Even though the cake was originally made as a gift to them. I changed that plan into confessing to them about our relationship, then celebrating with cake. I was so scared about their reaction that I stood there looking at the keys in my hand.

Maybe Zoro could tell that something was off, cause as soon as I started shaking, he surprisingly took over my "role".

"By the way…" Zoro said, making everyone including me look at him.

"You guys are okay if I tell you that I'm dating that damned cook, right?" Zoro asked, leaving the place to go quiet for a few seconds.

"YOUR DOING WHAT?!" Nami yelled.

"GUY I DON'T THINK HE'S LYING!" Usopp panicked.

"Wait, are you being serious or is this some kind of illness?!" Chopper asked

Their reactions were what I expected, but a bit better. Zoro could have definitely worded that better, but I'm glad he decided to tell them instead of making me go through the anxiety of doing it myself.

That's when Luffy stood up on the table and crossed his arms.

"Did you know about this, Luffy and Robin?" Usopp asked.

"You're awfully quiet." Nami looked at Robin and Luffy.

"Yep, we knew. Anyways, come to Sanji, open the fridge!" Luffy happily cheered.

"Its not affecting any of us in a negative way, right? FuFu" Robin laughed.

"Well, it was an unexpected turn of events'" Usopp looked at me and Zoro, "but I'm glad you opened up to us."

"Hopefully that means that there will be no more fighting," Nami pouted.

"I'm just glad you guys are finally starting to get along."

That was it, I opened the fridge and revealed the cake that was made. Everyone was happy about it, especially Chopper, Luffy and Usopp. I felt tears fall down my face.

"You alright, cook?" Zoro asked, cupping my face into his hands. "You're crying."

"Haha, yeah," I laughed, whipping my tears. "It was tears of joy. I'm so happy right now."

Zoro's P.O.V

I brought Sanji closer to me and gave him a soft and delicate kiss. I could tell that there were eyes on us, but since we've already told them, I didn't care.

"Zoro! Stop making out with Sanji and let him give us the cake already!" Luffy yelled.

"Fine, Fine" I grunted.

"Haha, sorry guys. I hope you all like it, Zoro and I prepared it." Sanji smiled.

"You guys were baking together too?" Nami questioned.

"Talk about couples goals," Usopp said.

We decided to party for the rest of the day. Drinking booze, eating cake, and meat made by my love cook.

It was honestly a blast, and it was the first time I have ever seen sanji smile that widely, since the past few days.

We were together, feelings that were kept from him for a while, were finally let loose. I was able to express how much I loved him, and he was able to do the same for me.

Even though I'm not able to help him forget memories from his past, I'm here to help him create a better future.

After all, he just needed my comfort.

authors note <3

thank you guys so much for reading. it was a fun and joyous ride. the next fanfic will definetly be another zosan, and im currently working on the first chapter.

therefore, if you will like to read that one as well, hit me with a follow. if not, thats fine, have a great rest of your day~

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