Staying on the ship

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Sanji's P.O.V

6 AM

"Ngh…" I whimpered as I slowly began to open my eyes. I was laying in bed as I slowly recalled what happened last night. My head was throbbing with a huge headache. Everything came back to me as I realized that Zoro was the one who brought me into bed. I slowly sat up and looked to my right to see Zoro sleeping on the floor, right beside my bed.

"He even stayed the night?" I thought to myself as I saw him begin to wake up.

"Yo cook" He got up and walked towards me. He then pushed me back to lay down. "Go back to bed, it's too early."

"Who are you to tell me what to do, Marimo?" I looked at him with an upset face.

"You need to get rid of those eye bags, plus I asked Luffy if you could stay in for a while. So it's fine to lay down for an extra hour or so." He said as he sat down beside me on the bed. 

"You asked Luffy?" I questioned.

"Yeah, even he was confused on why you wake up so early just to prepare food. Get some rest." He was about to get up but I quickly sat up and grabbed his arm.

"Can you stay here for a lil longer?" I asked, trying not to make eye contact.

He pulled my arm, layed down and made me lay my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating, nice and calm. 


"Goodnight" He whispered and immediately started to snore softly. His chest slowly goes up and down due to his calm breathing. It ended up putting me to rest, softly with no complaints.

I woke up and checked the clock to see that it was 7AM. The crew usually wakes up around 8, so I decided to slowly get out of bed, trying my best not to wake up the swordsman and went to make breakfast. By the time I was done it was 8AM and everyone began to gather around.

"Meat!" Luffy said as he ran into the kitchen. Followed by Usopp and Chopper.

"Good Morning guys!" Usopp yelled as he sat down.  

"Hey guys!" Chopper said as Nami and Robin entered the room. 

"Where were you all day, Sanji?" Robin asked as she sat down.

"I took a few naps yesterday, that was my bad" I covered both my eyes with my hair to make it not obvious that I was crying the previous night.

"Is that a new hairstyle or did you just not style your hair today?" Nami asked.

"I forgot to style it," I said, letting out a small laugh.

"Where's Zoro at?" Chopper asked as he began to take a bite out of his meal. 

"He's probably working out or something" Luffy said with his entire mouth filled with food. 

"Urgh…" Zoro groaned as he opened the door with a huge yawn. "Sorry I'm late"

"Ayeee! Welcome Zoro" Usopp cheered as he shoved his mouth with food.

"Now that we're all here, I can finally announce the news. We're close to an island, so we should stop there to restock and gather some supplies." Nami said and she drank some orange juice.

"Finally, I was starting to get a lil bored," Luffy said, shoving more meat into his mouth.

"Not so fast, you always start random activities, so you'll be on watch this time!" Nami yelled at him.

"Mannnn" Luffy shrugged.

"I'll keep watch of him." Robin said with a kind gesture.

As the crew began to have their own little talks, I realized that Zoro kept staring at me.

Zoro's P.O.V

The others were talking about their plans on what to do on the island, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Sanji and that goofy ahh hairstyle he had. There's gotta be a reason for it but damn bro, the hairstyle he currently has is hilarious. Not to mention that he left me alone in bed, weren't you the one that wanted me to stay with you?

"Are you alright with watching the ship Zoro?" Usopp asked. 

His question snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah I'll be alright." I said finishing my food.

"Is it alright if I stay back too?" Sanji asked, leaving the rest of the crew in shock.

"Wowww, you never stay back on the ship. You usually follow us to restock on supplies. Are you doing alright?" Chopper asked.

"Yeah I'm alright. Just wanted to stay back this time, plus I trust you guys enough to give you a list to follow. So no worries." Sanji reassured them.

"Are you sure you and Zoro are gonna be alright?" Nami questioned.

"Who cares? Lets gooo!" Luffy said as he waved his meat up in the air.

A few minutes later, they landed the ship and said that they were gonna use the first day to explore and the second day to restock. The crew went on their way to adventure on this new mysterious island as Sanji and Zoro stayed back in order to watch the ship.

"I didn't expect you to suggest staying on the ship, cook." I said, trying to start a conversation.

"Huh? You said I needed sleep. That's what I'm here to do." He waved while walking towards his room.

"I'll keep watch from out here then"

"Alright, Marimo"

I sat down at my normal spot, dozing off looking at the sky, enjoying the only quiet-ness that I'll be able to get. I closed my eyes for a bit, then suddenly felt a lil weight on my right shoulder. I looked over beside me to see Sanji wrapped into a blanket, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"I thought you wanted to lay down inside" I stated.

"Mhm…" He hummed.

"You sure that's a comfortable position, cook?"


I eventually went back to dozing off until he fell asleep. I thought that his neck might ache once he's awake so I tried my best to move him without waking him and set him to lay between my legs so that he could lay his head on my chest and we could both share the blanket. Then eventually I began rubbing my fingers through his hair trying to get rid of his headache, as normally people would get harsh headaches after crying for a while.

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