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Sanji's P.O.V

My eyes quickly opened widely in the middle of the night. It was from another nightmare...

My brothers were abusing the living shit out of me, and my father doing nothing about it. Faking my death and leaving me to starve in an empty jail cell.

I sat up and grabbed my chest, inhaling and exhaling quickly.

"Am I hyperventilating?!" I asked myself.

Realizing that, I tried to calm my breathing down but it just kept getting worse.

I then saw Zoro open the door to my room and quickly approach me. That's right, I was so busy focusing on my breathing, that I didn't even realize that Zoro wasn't sleeping on top of me anymore.

He approached me and proceeded to cover my mouth in order to calm my breathing down. I felt so bad as this caused my saliva to be all over his hand, but it did help me to calm down and catch my breathing.

After a minute or two, I was back to my normal state and Zoro took his hand off my mouth and immediately hugged me. I started crying on his shoulder, hugging him tightly.

"I'm so sorry, I left you. I only wanted to check around the ship to make sure no suspicious person was on board." Zoro said.

His voice was soothing yet he sounded very worried.

"I-Its okay...It's not your fault why I got back those nightmares." I whispered, still a bit out of breath.

"No, it's not okay. Next time I'll bring you with me, I just didn't want to wake you up since I wanted the dark circles around your eyes to finally go away." He slowly let go of me and looked into my eyes.

He proceeded to wipe my tears with his thumb and gave me a bottle of water to drink.

"Thanks Zoro" I said while drinking the water.

"Sanji..." he whispered, causing me to almost choke on the water.

He said my name. That was the first time in history that he's said my name. I blushed heavily, constantly replaying his voice in my head.

"I'll stay with you tonight, if it helps to prevent those nightmares you've been having"

"Thanks Zoro..." I replied. It was very sweet of him to do so, but I really didn't want to go back to sleep.

I broke eye contact with him and looked down for a bit.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I am indeed very tired but...I really don't want to go back to bed yet. I'm a bit scared."

"That's okay. Hmmm, let's do something to take your mind off of it. How about we do our nails with the nail polish you got me?"

"I got that for myself!" I looked at him and playfully hit him.

"Haha, before we do that though, I need to wash my hands. It still has your saliva all over it."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen."

"It's alright, I see it more as a way of you marking your territory." He said getting out of my bed.

"W-What do you mean by that?!" I yelled at him as he began to run out of my room.

I was blushing so hard after that comment, that my face felt incredibly hot.

"Awww, cooks all red. Meet me at the crows nest!" He said running out of my room.

I sat there for a bit, reminiscing my thoughts. Thanks Zoro, thank you for cheering me up

Zoro's P.O.V

While I was in the bathroom, washing my hands, I couldn't help but think how adorable his face was when I volunteered to do our nails together. So precious, yet so worryful. I really want to do this fun little activity together, but at the same time, he needed to get some rest. That's the plan, I'll try my best to get him to catch up on some sleep after our small hangout.

A few minutes later we met up in the crows nest, for a while it was silent as Sanji was carefully putting the nail polish onto my nails. His concentrated face was pretty, yet we were so quiet. I figured that I should try and start a conversation.



"After we're done with this, shall we just sleep in here?"

"Huh? Why's that?"

"I felt like you might not want to go back to that negative atmosphere in your room."

"I see, why thank you. I wasn't really thinking of that." Sanji smiled.

"You look so cute when you're concentrating." I complimented him.

The truth is, I liked him. Pretty sure that was obvious, so every compliment I gave him was just me speaking from the heart. I wanted to kiss him and be by his side all of the time. So seeing him in pain, dealing with his own mental trauma was not only hurting him but it was hurting me as well. I wanted to try everything in my own power, to lower his pain as much as I could.

"Haha, I do?" He turned red.

"Yeah...You always have the most crazy facial expressions when doing something. It's actually admirable." I said as he finished my last nail and I began to do his.

"Thank you. While you admire my expressions, how come you never really show any." the cook asked me.

"Hmm...I'm not really a fan of showing emotions. I feel like it makes me seem weak. Like if other people do it, I'm fine with it, but if I were to do it... I would just feel like a disappointment."

"Well, emotionless or not, I don't think you're a disappointment. You're incredibly helpful, smart, funny and overall a really enjoyable person to hang out with. So every now and then when you crack a joke, I wouldn't mind hearing your laugh afterwards. Or seeing you smile when you're happy or blush when you're embarrassed." he smiled.

"I wouldn't mind doing that for you."

"No no no, not for me. For yourself, don't force your emotions for someone else. Do it for yourself."

"Alright, I'll take your advice on that one, haha" I laughed.

We ended up having a small talk about what to prepare for breakfast tomorrow, and wondering what the others are doing on the island. Once I was done with his nails, we waited for them to dry, then afterwards went to the crows nest to prepare to go to bed and get a goodnight rest.

I waited for Sanji to relax on the bed first. He was facing right so I laid next to him and faced left so that we were basically looking at each other, eye to eye. He started to get a bit closer as I placed a blanket over us to share. I slowly moved my hand and wrapped it around his waist, pulling him towards me. He seemed to be a little shocked by that, but didn't mind as he wrapped his hands around my back and pulled me to get closer. This was honestly the closest we have ever gotten towards each other. I could feel his soft breathing on my chest.

"Zoro," he whispered.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"Thanks once again."

"Nah, thank you." I said as I heard him giggle.

It was silent. Such a calm atmosphere was around the area. It took a while but as the time went by, I began to fall asleep. I decided to do one more thing. I moved one of my arms off of Sanji's waist and used it to move some of his hair out of his face. Then I proceeded to give him a small yet quick kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight Sanji..." I whispered.

Though it had seemed to me that I was too late to get his reaction as he was already asleep.

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