The Atlantic Ocean

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In the year 330 B.C a beautiful city was built... the city of Atlantis.
It's people made the city grew!
It's economy was great.
It's food supply and it's people, it's government.
They had a King and a Queen.
They bore many children at most nineteen, but the most adventurous child was Ursula.
Ursula loved doing things people are afraid to do... that makes her a little rebellious.
Her eighteenth sister Oceania made sure she does not harm herslef, and makes her act as what a princess should act.
While Atlantis was in the making, so did a new city Atlantica.
Atlantica was a city really close to Atlantis but underwater.
It's people, weren't people at all, in fact they were merpeople.
Like Atlantis they had a King and a Queen, they bore seventeen children and the youngest was Triton.

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