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After the shocking discussion I had with Louise, I went straight home. When I got there David was gone but Sky was in her room. I didn't want to worry her so I went to my room. As I fell on the bed I remembered what Louise told me 'don't trust anyone.' What did she mean by that and who is the blood knight? It can't be me. I'm just a single mom, unemployed who has a rare condition. As I fell asleep I wondered why Laura lied to me about my sickness.
It was a cold night. I saw myself chained to the door as the dark figure approached and  took Sky away from me. I couldn't save her then I gasped and woke up. I saw Sky by my side sleeping. I was relieved. I asked myself was that a vision again and hþwho is this person. I couldn't sleep again so I started to research about the blood knight and the seeker but all I got was stories about fairytales but I won't give up.
I left the house by early morning. I went to the hospital to look for the doctor but I couldn't remember his name. I asked the nurse about the doctor who took care of me and she said 'Doctor Sullivan is not around but he will come by midday.' The doctor wasn't at the hospital so I went home. When I reached there David was in my house talking to Sky. 'Well I knew her for about 15 years before she left the agency.' He said. 'So you are very good friends with my Ma. Please take good care of her. Oh Ma you have arrived I going to school. You've got a visitor. Bye.' She said as she rode her bike off.
'I'm sorry I rode of without any explanation David but right now I'm really confused. Laura was involved in a cult that want to kill some people who know their secrets. I'm in that list but I don't remember anything involving a cult. David are you listening to me'. I asked. 'Sorry Agnes but I have to go the station it's urgent. Talk to you later.' He said coldly. What is happening to him does he have a problem. I asked myself.
This week has been quite hectic I would like to have some peace and quietness. So I decided to go to the gym. It might not be a place for relaxation for most people but for me I feel very peaceful when fighting or going to the gym. I decided to ride my old bike. It reminded me of Laura when we always went to the gym. When I got there, just a few people where there. I came very late it was almost midday so I decided to go to the cafe behind the gym but before I left I heard a familiar voice at the gym. When I turned to look, I bumped into a tall and well physique man. I got angry at first but when I saw his brown eyes I I felt calm but at the same time tensed. My bag fell on the floor and as I took it, our head bumped into each other. This time I got very angry and I confronted him.'Sir this week has been awful and I don't want any more trouble.'
'Sorry If I made you angry Miss finn, I heard you came looking for me at the hospital'. He interrupted. 'I'm so sorry please can we talk at the cafe' I said. We went to the cafe and had some beverages and he said something shocking to me. 'Agnes I was assigned to you by the CIA to find out more things about your friend Laura. She was involved in some shady business so I wanted to know more but however I wasn't the doctor who took care of you for the past month. However we've found him and he told us he was paid to make you lose your memory.' He said . 'And who paid him.' I asked. 'It was your best friend Laura.' He said shockingly. So you want to mean Laura made me lose my memory? And what shady business is she involved? I can't believe this.
'Agnes I'm so sorry about your friend but I think she is linked to the other killings. All those who have been killed were the sole survivors in an earthquake that happened in Oaksville and you were among but Laura wasn't but her only daughter Christine died in that disaster so I think she might have planned all these.' So you want to mean Laura lied to me all these years, before I could finish I had a call from an unknown number but I picked. 'Hello Agnes come and help me they want to kill me am at the diner please come and help me.' I hurried up as possible and I left without saying Goodbye to Mr Sullivan/ detective.
When I got there she was hanged. I froze for some minutes and I remembered someone who hanged herself in a mental hospital. This was new I always had these visions or episodes when I'm tensed but I'm not. I tried to remove the ropes from her neck and suddenly, I heard sirens coming from nowhere. I was surrounded by the police. To my surprise David was there and the sheriff Uncle Howdy was there. Everything happened fast I was arrested and sent to jail. I pleaded with David but he said nothing. I was sent to prison the following day and sentenced to death. Sky was not permitted to visit me but David always came and assured me that Sky was fine and also the CIA agent came to visit me.
I was there for the past month and I started to remember everything. One gloomy day at an unusual time the sheriff came to visit me and he came with a peculiar person. To my surprise it was Laura winters. I thought she was dead but here she was. And I asked shockingly, 'Laura you are alive please help me.I was framed by a cult who killed alot of people. Please tell the sheriff the truth'.
And she said coldly 'The sheriff knows the truth already that you are a psychopath and you are a serial killer who enjoys killing. Also you are a liar who swore an oath to protect everyone but couldn't help my daughter when she needed it. You deserve to be killed'. As she spoke those vile words, my heart broke down. I was shocked to the core and heartbroken that night. The CIA has been giving me a though time but now I have their killer. The drawings didn't have any meaning, you are not destined to have a happy family but to be killed. The cult and the all killings was to bring you here. Now you are locked here your daughter is in danger. You will never see her again.
Laura I'll never forgive you if you hurt her even though you betrayed me I'll never forget the only sister I had.

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