Facing your demons

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'Good morning Ma. I hope you are fine. Have u decided yet?.' Sky asked. Morning my sunshine. I'm fine and don't worry I will attend the party. I've got your bag. 'Okay Ma I know you used to be a detective, I think you should take Laura's case.' insisted Sky. The case has been handed to another person and I think I should stay out of it. 'Ma I know you very well and I know you would do your own investigations on t this case knowing how close you were to Laura. If you need my help in anything I'm here.'
Okay Ma I'm taking my leave. I'll comeback early. 'Goodbye Ma.' Sky said. After Sky took her leave, I left the house to look for a very old friend of Laura winters. I went to Oaksville it was an hour ride. When I got there I went to lakeside Avenue a slum filled with criminals and outcasts. Laura's friend was very mysterious and didn't even come for her funeral but I know she was a very good friend to Laura. She is the only one with a spiral necklace so I think she might know something important.
When I reached there, the place was foggy and very silent not like this area. I took the narrow road which leads to a pawn shop. As I was going, It felt like I was being followed. From nowhere I felt a hand grab me I punched the person in the face but still the person was holding me tightly. I was pulled into the fog and suddenly I saw a figure approaching from the fog it was David.
'Agnes what are you doing here. It is dangerous for you to wander around here alone. There is a curfew that's why here is silent.' David said. 'David were you following me and why.' I asked.
'I needed to Agnes. I wanted to be sure where you were going. I knew you would come and look for Susan Hill Laura's friend'.
'Mr detective,Agnes please come in'. A voice interrupted. It was Susan Hill. 'Please hurry up it's not safe out there'. I followed David as he entered the house. The house was spacious,neat and clean. She welcomed us kindly and gave us a seat.
'Mr Wolfe I have already answered your questions what do you want again'. She asked. 'Susan he just accompanied me here. I want to ask you some questions please can I?' I asked. 'I know you are a very good friend of Laura was she associated with anything fishy?' I don't know anything of that sort Agnes but if you want any fortune telling I can help.
'Susan I had a dream about Laura being killed by a person I can't see she drew the spiral and told me to protect the weak. Laura was burnt and the man was saying some incantations. Please can you explain this dream for me?'
From what you are saying Laura was killed but you didn't see the person? Yes I didn't see the person but he had a tattoo with the inscription 'the hosremen.' The fire in the dream means that is her final message for you she has been sent to the next world. 'David was Laura cremated?' I asked. Yes we found a letter she wrote she wanted to be cremated. 'Before she died she wanted me to give you these drawings to you.' 'Take these four drawings hope you can find the killer. Agnes be yourself don't panic. You don't have any condition and one more thing face your demons'. Have a nice day Susan said.
David thanks for coming but I can take care of my self. 'Agnes I'm very sorry I doubted you and followed you everywhere can you please forgive me.
If you need any help you can count on me.' David said.
'I forgive you David and If I need help I'll call you. Now let's go home.
When we reached home we talk for hours. I asked him 'are you going for the party?' He said yes and he asked 'Does Sky know that she was adopted?''She knows about that David I don't hide things from her.' When I said that I felt guilty because it's not everything that I've told her. Well David thanks see you at the party. Minutes later David left. An hour later Sky came. 'Ma I hope I'm not late. Let's prepare for the party. Sky styled my hair and helped apply some makeup. She was good in makeup but bad at choosing dresses. I chose a blue dress with a flair which matched her eyes. I wore a wine dress that Laura bought for me last year. It made miss her more she would be very happy today.
By sunset, we got to the mayor's house there were alot of people there. Sky went to her friends and I was left alone. Then someone tapped me,it was
David. We went to greet the mayor of Sunway he was tended. He said 'Agnes and Mr Wolfe welcome I need to talk to you for the past month their has alot of suicide cases including Laura's case do you think someone is doing this?' 'We'll do all our best Mr Mayor.' David said. 'Enjoy the party both of you.' I sat down and had a drink with David as we were talking I saw a woman wearing a black hoodie. I got curious and I followed her She was talking to a man wearing the same outfit. Out of nowhere she was stabbed twice. I went there without thinking about the armed person I pulled her to a safety. I was hit in the head but I stood firm. I took the knife and slashed his left cheek and hand,after he left. As fighting I was about to blackout but I stood firm. I dragged her to one of the rooms and I called David. We were taken to the hospital. Today I saved someone who was in danger and I faced and overcame my demons.

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