Dynamite, we just might

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Time slowed down, well, it felt like that. Izuku was still awake, despite the blood loss, but everything looked to be as if it was moving in slow motion for him. Voices around him seemed slurred but the constant ticking clocks were very loud in his ears...or maybe it was his own heartbeat thumping away a mile per minute. He honestly didn't know, he was so delirious. Izuku also found this odd sense of comfort that managed to keep him conscious through the whole trip back to the Continental, the smell of musk and gunsmoke. But inside the depths of his mind...a sensation of loneliness lingered for some reason.

He walked through the halls of the Continental and up to the front desk. It was there that Hawks looked up, seeing a bruised and beaten Izuku.

Hawks greeted him very calmly. "Good evening, Mr. Wick."

"Good evening." Izuku's whole body was quivering with pain since the adrenaline already wore off.

"How may I be of service?" he asked, as polite as ever.

"Is the doctor in?" Izuku asked.

Hawks nodded. "Yes, sir. 24/7."

"Then send him up, please."

"Yes, sir."

Izuku looked like he was going to leave when a thought crossed his mind and he stopped. "How good is your laundry?"

Hawks looked conflicted while glancing down at the state Izuku's clothes were in. Tattered and covered in blood. "I'm sorry to say that no one's that good," he, unfortunately, said to him.

Izuku shrugged. "No. I thought not."

"May I suggest a drink, sir. A , perhaps." he offered another choice.

Izuku pondered on it.


Izuku pressed his back hard against the bed. It felt like his body was on fire and he couldn't help but squirm under the needle as the doctor stitched his wound closed.

"Ow!" He bit down on his lips and balled hands hands up into tight fists.

"Just hold still," the doctor said while treading the needle through his skin once more, just about finishing up. "I'm almost done."

Izuku draped his arm over his glassy eyes and groaned with deeply buried pain in his voice.

"Am I going to be alright?" he asked, bearing through the intense pain his hand was going through right now.

"You'll live." the doctor cut the string off and tied it up.

Izuku wasn't going to protest against that remark since he had the scars to prove it. This incident is only going to add to them too. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. So what sort of movement is she looking at?" He asked.

"Well, if she's looking to heal, then keep it marginal. However, if you both still have...business to attend to." He reached over the table and grabbed a small container of pills. "Take two of these beforehand," he said and handed them over to Izuku.

He held the container up and shook the pills around under the light. "Sweet. Thanks." She set it down on the table and reached for the bottle that was already half empty. He lost count of how many times he poured himself a drink. He was pretty sure it was the 6th time already.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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